Category: Video Slide Show
<html xmlns=""><p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3269jgI9fWM&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3269jgI9fWM&feature=related</a>.</p></html>
<p>This song deal with the idea, of keeping yourself grounded. No matter how popular you get, or how rich you become, always remember who you are.</p>
<p>This songs describes, you as a person, aside from wealth, stardom, glory or what ever at the end of the day, your just you! XX Or XY. Stay in touch with your true, you!</p>
<p>This Music Production Team / Company Is A Dual Company Of KazieAKAcali. I'am Inviting Everyone Here To Swing Through And Check Out Some: New / refreshing / exciting / street heat. Please swing by and give and ear @ : <a href="http://www.myspace.com/gwalaproductionz">http://www.myspace.com/gwalaproductionz</a>. Thank you: KazieAKAcali.</p>
<p>Music is the art of sound, swing by and review my original songs will you? KazieAKAcali.</p>
<p>Joint venture by KazieAKAcali & MaPelli: Music produced by KazieAKAcali, song written & performed by MaPelli.</p>
<p>This is a joint venture: MaPeLLi & Kazie, Mapelli, wrote the lyric's and performed the song. KazieAKAcali, produced the track,along with Asap Production'z.</p>
<p>This song is a joint venture, produced by KazieAKAcali od ASAP PRODUCTION'Z. The lyric's was written and performed by MaPelli, a gifted and talented friend.</p>
<p>1. WIGGLE IT 2. WHEN I'AM GONE: Stop through and give a review, will you?</p>