<strong><span style="font-size: x-small; color: #ffffff;">
<p style="padding-left: 60px;"><strong><span style="font-size: x-small; color: #ffffff;"><span style="color: #00ffff; font-family: verdana,geneva;"><span style="font-size: small;">My name is Linda King, or "Kingy" to my friends. I'm a Harp player & a rhythm guitarist.<br />During the late 70's I toured the country with my band "Disco House". I was a nightclub DJ in the 80's, Australia's only woman abrasives expert in the 90's, and in this last decade a high flyer with my own music media release business. <br />Being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 changed my life....I realised what was important in life was what one loves the most. My partner, my family & friends, the blues, and..........my harmonicas </span>
<p style="padding-left: 30px; text-align: left;"><em><span style="color: #ff9900;"><span style="font-size: small;">Now, fortunate enough to be collaborating with Louise Hughes, I can take my love & creative spirit in music & songwriting <br />& put them to some use. <br /><br />Vocals, lead & slide guitar on all songs are done by Louise.<br /></span></span></em></p>