M 3
M 3


album: Collaberations
genre: Instrumental Rock
streams: 71
creation date: 2008-09-23

Barefoot Music
08/04/17 10:08:14AM @barefoot-music-group:
10/10/08 07:24:57PM @test4454:
Ah, one from the good ol' days ; )) This tune was a blast with my fellow M3 bros. Has anyone heard from Valkir? Been over a year since I last heard from him... Thanks for the reviews everyone!
Cheers, Bob

Rob Grant
09/23/08 05:03:38PM @rayon-vert:
I saw these songs loaded up while I was at work today.....I gave this song a listen, on my laptop........ALL circuits shorted.....hehehehehehe....it couldn't take the overload of talent and POWER!!!! MAN!!! Guys, this is COOL as HECK!!! Loved the different phases it went through....this is GUITAR HEAVEN, RIGHT HERE!!


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