Mack Sanders
Mack Sanders
Mack Sanders

Red Dress On

album: The Sanders Brothers
genre: Rock and Roll
streams: 287
creation date: 2017-10-21

  Song Lyrics
Artist: The Sanders Brothers. Song title: Red Dress On Fighting the madness, is stealing your soul, Dealing with the sadness, but don't lose control, Feel...
  Song Information
Red Dress On Written, preformed, recorded and produced by Mack and David Sanders. The Sanders Brothers c 2017 BMI Art work: Rhonda Lee
Red Dress On
05/08/18 01:15:17AM @tlt50:
AwwwwwwwwwwwwOooooooooooooooooSOME............ Brotha' *****

Larry T

03/04/18 11:47:56AM @rokinronda:
Oh yeah, great new it!
01/18/18 10:32:31PM @moequinn:
Love your music ~ love this new song makes me wanna move.. get out on the floor & ....but, for now bobbin head, shakin torso & tappin toes ~ sure do wish I could buy this song some place ~ tku Mack Sanders
Barefoot Music
10/29/17 07:28:17AM @barefoot-music-group:
Keep coming back to this song to get my toes tappin ' and my heart rate up. Thanks Sanders Bros!
10/22/17 07:01:37AM @chris-moore:
What a classic song. Keep it clean, great hook, lots of space, precision playing, crafted lyrics, great vocal (oh what a great vocal!)... if only it was that simple to write a song like this. This is masterful.
Barefoot Music
10/22/17 02:15:32AM @barefoot-music-group:
Was honored to get to spin this new track first Mack. From the first snap of the drums and driving bassline you hooked me. Then the guitar and your vocals complete the whole package.
Thank you!


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