Mack Sanders
Song Lyrics
If I told you all I'd left behind,
You might think I'd lost my mind,
But, death by comfort chair, it ain't my style,
We all have take a chance sometimes,...
Song Information
Song title:High Wire,
Written and recorded by Mack and David Sanders, The Sanders Brothers, c2018 BMI,
Photo: Bill Binns
Love the song,Love the lyrics. . Your voice changes with the lyrics and you can tell your guitar talks to you in a language only you really understand and that's important because When your Fans,Fanfriends
rockin guys ... luv the groove... luv this tune ...luv Macks vocals ...thx, Bud
Mack, these lyric will speak loudly to a lot of folks....they certainly do to me. Thanks for posting up this slice of life's perspective that many can relate to, whatever their situation has brought to them !
Mack, I could listen to you sing all day- every day!
Over the top of excellence.. congratulations to you and your brother David
on this more than fine song!
-goose-bump maker-
To spend one's life in pursuit of passionate curiosities may be the council of fools, but, good or bad, that's certainly the path I've chosen. This song is about the personal "High Wire", (what ever that may be), which each of us are gifted with a chance to conquer.
There is a price: Everything.