Mack Sanders
Song Lyrics
It's been a million miles, It's been a million faces and still you need someone to tell your troubles to,
I'm just a lonely boy, tried to hide the traces, I...
Song Information
Song title : You will not be lonely
Written, recorded and produced by Mack and David Sanders, The Sanders Brothers c 2021 BMI
Beautiful love song. Goes with your voice perfectly. The lyrics are brilliant as usual A little slow for me. I lost interest but I'm a bigger fan of fast and hard and I think you play the blues like It's a part of your soul. But I love everything you do. Lovely
Brother I Just love your music been a big fan for years as you know dude you just keep bringing the good stuff
keep the faith man
You have a great voice and this style fits it so well. It has a bit of an Alan Parson Project feel to it which I love
Great job!
Great singing, the voice fits this song like a glove, solo functional, tasteful song.
This song is outstanding! Cam always count on you to create beautiful and compelling music! You da man!
beautiful song , love love love
lyrics and music wonderful voice
( although i’m a little biased )
Lovely as always!
Mack Attack!