<p> </p><p><strong>Steve Seydoux</strong><br /><br /></p><p>From the early days Seyd was influenced by a number of rock groups. He first played as a bassist in different bands before he became the singer of ManInside. <br /> <br /><strong>Thierry Risse</strong><br /> <br />Terry has played and composed on the piano since his childhood. Whether classic, jazz or rock music, the scope of this wide directory has allowed him to express himself in these different styles creatively. </p><p><br /><strong>Biography</strong> <br /> <br />Seyd and Rice met in 1993 and played both in two different groups. After the departure of some members of each, both groups have merged and created Babysonic. After numerous concerts across the country with this new line up, then the departure of the singer, a new project was created under the name of ManInside. <br />Its start up line was composed of a guitarist, a keyboard and the singer. After several compositions made sets, the current band has taken a new path.</p><p> <br />Since 2009, ManInside is surfing on a new musical direction. This first album reflects all shades of their musical journey. “ Enjoy ManInside! “<br /> </p><p>For more information, photos and listening visit their site : <a>www.maninside.ch</a></p>