Nigel Potter - No More War (Upon The Green Earth) video is #1 on Living With War Today website
By: Mantra Of Peace
Dear friends of peace,
This is amazing news!
Please see the screen shot below of the Neil Young website, Living With War Today.
You shall notice on the left hand side under Protest Videos that Nigel Potter's song video, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) is now charting at the #1 position of 640 videos.
This is a demonstration of the wonderful power of our community in advancing the message we are trying to send to the world at large through peaceful, creative activism.
Since early July 2010, the Mantra of Peace music compilation community engaged in helping bring Nigel Potter's song video, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) to the top 10 of the Living With War Today video charts.
Along the way, we have shared this initiative in asking for everyone's assistance to try and continue to elevate the public conscience and awareness that we want peace for all.
Now, you can see how our efforts have gained success in achieving our hopes, plans and goals in bringing this important song to a wider audience.
Please note that Maria Daines song video for, Peace Wins The Election has also achieved great status on the Living With War Today video page also. As you can see in the screen shot below, Peace Wins The Election video is charting at #5 today. Another awesome achievement through this community initiative.
I hope this brings you, a member of our global community, to a place of peace in knowing that your co-operation and hard work in engaging in this initiative has become a reality.
In gratitude for all your time and effort spent in achieving this great result, Nigel Potter has graciously allowed me to make his song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) available as a free MP3 download for all whom wish to add this important song to their personal libraries.
Nigel recently stated in correspondence to me about this great community effort;
"I gift the song to you and to your community. You can upload it, allow it for download, anywhere, anytime you choose."
And so, here is the link I am providing to our community to be able to instantly freely download Nigel Potter's song in MP3 format for your very own music library.
Please click on the link below to obtain your copy of No More War (Upon The Green Earth) as a free MP3 audio download.
Nigel also wanted to pass on these sentiments for our community;
"You can tell those who care, my words are not my words, they are the words of everyone who hurts as war blights our world.
Who cares for the causes?
All we want is peace.
My very best wishes mate
It is with deep gratitude to Nigel Potter that we have the chance to spread our messages of the want of peace for all through music.
For me, Nigel sums it all up in his song with the simple lyric, "Love can heal the world"
Peace, love and respect to all,
Paul / Zest
Welcome to all that are privy to this achievement by the world wide community by embracing Nigel Potter's message of a call for No More War (Upon The Green Earth) If you choose, you may watch the video here at the link which is the original you tube link supplied to Living With War Today for viewing.No More War (Upon The Green Earth) - Nigel Potter Please Share with your communities if you want to contribute to peaceful creative community activism. We offer appreciation to any and all whom share Nigel's important and urgent call for people of the world to work towards achieving the goal of peace for all.
CONGRATS, Nigel!!!! Simply WILD!!! As one of your many # 1 Fans, I'm VERY PROUD of you and feel fortunate to have met you.
Thanks, ZEST, for bringing this to our attention. AWESOME!!!
Zest.....thx man.... for sharing this... ! AWESOME !!
Thank you all,and all credit goes to Zest.
Without his unending support for the song,his harwrk in making the video,the song would have lasted about a week on the omd before vanishing into the giant mainframer in the sky
Thank you Zest.
And thank you to all those who put it at number 1 and keep it there.
As I have said to you before many times,I find I get lost for words.
So many people to thank.
It was very east to gift the song to you and your community, you have shown time and time again that peace is all you want.
Thank you.
Luca Wulf (Nigel)
Nigel, this is fantastic news for you and a wonderful blossoming for the world. Thank you and congratulations.