<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="425" height="350" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bBv9eb_KrgA"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bBv9eb_KrgA"> </embed></object></p><p>Why Can't There Be Peace? - Leonardo Taglialavore - Mantra of Peace music compilation<br /><br />Why Can't There Be Peace is the 1st song of 12 songs that comprise Mantra of Peace music compilation<br /><br />Credits below as provided by Leonardo Taglialavore in 2006;<br /><br />Vocals provided by our friends: <br /><br />Bob Lucas <br /><br />Jude Grover <br /><br />Gary and Maria of soundclicks "ARTYTOU" <br /><br />Sooty AKA Mark Sutton of soundclicks "EARTHSCRY" <br /><br />Mr. Karl Noonan of soundclicks "KARL NOONAN" <br /><br />Robert and Patti Boucher <br /><br />Marlon Kempmann of soundclicks "DOCTOR MEMORY" <br /><br />Jim Rustemeyer of soundclicks "Artificial Earth" <br /><br />Skootch Taglialavore (our cat) Lisa and Leonardo Taglialavore<br /><br />lyrics: <br /><br />World Peace, Forgiveness, Friendship, Life in a land of Peace, Healing, Peace, I want Peace, You want Peace, We all want Peace, Why can't we have Peace?<br /><br />Copyright L & L Taglialavore 2006 <br /><br /><a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" title="http://www.myspace.com/leonardotaglialavore" dir="ltr" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.myspace.com/leonardotaglialavore" target="_blank">http://www.myspace.com/leonardotaglialavore</a><br /><br />Leonardo Taglialavore sadly passed away November 13 2006. <br /><br />This video dedicated to the loving memory of Leonardo Taglialavore and all whom have brought about awareness of our want of peace for all.<br /><br />peace....</p>
Nigel Potter - No More War (Upon The Green Earth) video is #1 on Living With War Today website
By Mantra Of Peace, 2010-09-11
Dear friends of peace,
This is amazing news!
Please see the screen shot below of the Neil Young website, Living With War Today.
You shall notice on the left hand side under Protest Videos that Nigel Potter's song video, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) is now charting at the #1 position of 640 videos.
This is a demonstration of the wonderful power of our community in advancing the message we are trying to send to the world at large through peaceful, creative activism.
Since early July 2010, the Mantra of Peace music compilation community engaged in helping bring Nigel Potter's song video, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) to the top 10 of the Living With War Today video charts.
Along the way, we have shared this initiative in asking for everyone's assistance to try and continue to elevate the public conscience and awareness that we want peace for all.
Now, you can see how our efforts have gained success in achieving our hopes, plans and goals in bringing this important song to a wider audience.
Please note that Maria Daines song video for, Peace Wins The Election has also achieved great status on the Living With War Today video page also. As you can see in the screen shot below, Peace Wins The Election video is charting at #5 today. Another awesome achievement through this community initiative.
I hope this brings you, a member of our global community, to a place of peace in knowing that your co-operation and hard work in engaging in this initiative has become a reality.
In gratitude for all your time and effort spent in achieving this great result, Nigel Potter has graciously allowed me to make his song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) available as a free MP3 download for all whom wish to add this important song to their personal libraries.
Nigel recently stated in correspondence to me about this great community effort;
"I gift the song to you and to your community. You can upload it, allow it for download, anywhere, anytime you choose."
And so, here is the link I am providing to our community to be able to instantly freely download Nigel Potter's song in MP3 format for your very own music library.
Please click on the link below to obtain your copy of No More War (Upon The Green Earth) as a free MP3 audio download.
Nigel also wanted to pass on these sentiments for our community;
"You can tell those who care, my words are not my words, they are the words of everyone who hurts as war blights our world.
Who cares for the causes?
All we want is peace.
My very best wishes mate
It is with deep gratitude to Nigel Potter that we have the chance to spread our messages of the want of peace for all through music.
For me, Nigel sums it all up in his song with the simple lyric, "Love can heal the world"
Peace, love and respect to all,
Paul / Zest
<p>Dear friends, musicians, poets, artists and community members,<br /><br />I hope you are all well.<br /><br />This is an exciting update that demonstrates the power of our community in peaceful, artistic action and activism.<br /><br />As you may be aware, Neil Young's website Living With War Today is hosting<br /> 2 videos from the Mantra of Peace music compilation. Maria Daines and<br /> Paul Killington's song video, Peace Wins The Election, and, Nigel<br /> Potter's song video, No More War (Upon The Green Earth)<br /><br />When I first wrote to the community notifying of this wonderful opportunity to<br /> have this important music brought to a wider audience just by clicking<br /> on the links provided below to view these videos via the L.W.W. Today<br /> website, I never imagined the support would be so amazing.<br /><br />To update you all, Nigel Potter's song video has gone from chart position<br /> 277 all the way up to chart position 14. And, Maria Daines and Paul<br /> Killington's song video has skyrocketed from chart position 630 to an<br /> outstanding chart position 11.<br /><br />I really can't thank you all enough for your ultimate support and community spirit. I do however I offer my gratitude to you all for bringing the goals, plans and hopes<br /> to a level of spirited heartwarming support and community spirit.<br /><br />It was my goal to see these videos chart in the top 100 through 500<br /> positions, with a plan to utilize the power of community action with<br /> the ultimate hope that the Peace Wins The Election and No More War<br /> (Upon The Green Earth) videos would chart in the top 10 positioning to<br /> give more exposure to the resonance of these songs for the world at<br /> large.<br /><br />If we continue on the path that we are on in giving these videos the attention they deserve, then perhaps, the goals, plans and<br /> hopes will be realized. <br /><br />Please see the original request for community assistance correspondence below giving you more opportunity<br /> to click on the video links and showing the ultimate result of the<br /> power of our community....which of course is AWESOME !!!!!<br /><br />Thank you all so very, very much for your continued support and friendship.<br /><br />Peace, <br /><br />Paul / Zest<br /><br />P.S. You are all helping to make a difference in creating awareness through peaceful compassionate community co-operation.<br /><br />P.P.S. Here is the original announcement about Neil Young's website hosting 2<br /> Mantra of Peace music compilation videos for your re-consideration. <br /><br /><br />Dear friends of Peace,<br /> <br /> Thank you all for your kind and wonderful support of this music<br /> compilation and the wonderful musicians that have kindly donated their<br /> songs for the purpose of giving food for thought while we ponder the<br /> prospects of Peace.<br /><br />I wish to inform you that Neil Young's website Living With War Today,<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday" target="_blank">http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday</a><br /> <br /> is hosting 2 of the Mantra of Peace music compilation videos on their video page. <br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/lwwvideospage.html" target="_blank">http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/lwwvideospage.html</a><br /> <br /> There are 636 videos on the video chart.<br /> <br /> Nigel Potter's song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) is currently charting at, 277 of 636 videos.<br /> <br /> Here is the link that will take you to You Tube where this video resides, via L.W.W. Today's web link for your consideration.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/videolinks/videolink_635.html" target="_blank">http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/videolinks/videolink_635.html</a><br /> <br /> The reason I am providing the link for you all is because, every time<br /> the link is clicked, Nigel's video will register the "click" as a<br /> charting opportunity to rise up the charts even further. <br /> <br /> It would be most excellent if perhaps Nigel's video could rise into the top 100 or higher...<br /> <br /> The second song video that we are honoured to have included on Living<br /> With War Today's website is Maria Daines and Paul Killington's song,<br /> Peace Wins The Election.<br /> <br /> Currently the Peace Wins The Election video resides at 630 of 636 videos on the Living With War Today's video hosting web page.<br /> <br /> Here is the link that will take you to You Tube where this video resides, via L.W.W. Today's web link for your consideration.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/videolinks/videolink_634.html" target="_blank">http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/videolinks/videolink_634.html</a><br /> <br /> The reason I am providing the link for you all is because, every time<br /> the link is clicked, Maria's video will register the "click" as a<br /> charting opportunity to rise up the charts even further. <br /> <br /> It would be most excellent if perhaps Maria's video could rise into the top 500 or higher...<br /> <br /> The reason why this is such a fantastic opportunity is due to the fact<br /> that if ever these videos made it into the top 10, the videos would be<br /> featured on the front page of Living With War Today's main website. <br /><br /><a href="http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/index.html" target="_blank">http://www.neilyoung.com/lwwtoday/index.html</a><br /> <br /> The top 10 videos appear on the left side of the web site under the heading, Protest Videos.<br /> <br /> Here my friends is an inkling of the community we share in the like<br /> mindedness of the want for peace, and, the freedom to express and<br /> expose the want of peace for all via artistic and creative means.<br /> <br /> Again, it is thanks to the musicians and this community for your<br /> friendship and support of getting the messages out to a wider platform<br /> of resonance.<br /> <br /> Peace, and may you and yours be blessed with love and peace always,<br /> <br /> Paul</p>
<p><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="500" height="405" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JWwlqnUMOnw&rel=1"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="405" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JWwlqnUMOnw&rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></p> <p>Hello friends, I hope you are well. Above is a video of Nigel Potter's song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) that is part of the Mantra Of Peace music compilation. I constructed this video for Nigel because it's an important song with a very popular sentiment that has been an anthem for a very long time. I hope you will watch and appreciate all of our efforts to bring about messages in peaceful artistic means. I am truly honoured and privileged to have been given permission to post this video I created for Nigel Potter and his important song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) Thanks to Nigel for his support, friendship and steadfast commitment to bringing about awareness via peaceful and artistic means. As Nigel sings... Love CAN heal the world Peace and respect, Paul / Zest Here are Nigel's notes about the song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) Another song that came out of discussion on Mixposure.com in 2006. I was presented with a picture in a private message for my part in the discussions,it was a picture of the Nobel Peace Prize medal. So,I thought I had better try to warrent it. Love really can heal the world. I sat and imagined a world where we suddenly turned our backs on war forever,and felt the triumphant cry: "NO MORE WAR!!" Lyrics V1) Feel alive,no more war feel alive,with no more war Go to peace, no more war go to peace, and make no more war Love can heal the world Love can heal the world.... NO MORE WAR!! V2) Lay down your arms,and come to peace lay down your arms and turn to peace Want no more war,no more blood upon the green Earth no more war,no more blood upon the green Earth... NO MORE WAR!!</p>
<p><object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JWwlqnUMOnw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JWwlqnUMOnw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="405"></embed></object> Hello friends, I hope you are well. Above is a video of Nigel Potter's song, No More War (Upon The Green Earth) that is part of the Mantra Of Peace music compilation. I constructed this video for Nigel because it's an important song with a very popular sentiment that has been an anthem for a very long time. I hope you will watch and appreciate all of our efforts to bring about messages in peaceful artistic means. Peace, Paul</p>
<p>Dear friends,</p><p>I hope you are well </p><p>I want to share an initiative of Peace with everyone that is truly amazing!</p><p>This initiative I am writing to you about is called, Peace Book.</p><p>Simply, our friend, Tami Colpitts / Peace Book, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook">www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook</a> is asking for submissions from people all over the world to include in this wonderful project that is a demonstration of selfless giving and Peace !!!!</p><p>When I discovered this project, I wrote to Tami asking more details about this project, and asked if the poem below, written by, Maria Daines is the type of subject matter that would be suitable for the Peace Book initiative.</p><p><a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY29t" target="_blank"><img src="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h299/zestradioshow/mariadainespoemCA2FWDQF.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" /></a></p><p>Here is Tami's reply outlining the parameters of how to submit material for the Peace Book.Tami also asked for permission to use Maria's poem in the Peace Book. (Of course, Maria Daines has given permission
))</p><p>Tami Colpitts writes;</p><p>"There is no cost to submit your pages just simply send them to this address.</p><p>Tami Colpitts</p><p>4317 N.E. 66th Ave. M133</p><p>Vancouver, WA.</p><p>98661</p><p>Submissions can be anything from poetry, drawings to written songs basically anything your heart can create to promote peace. I am asking that submissions be sent to me by October 1st 2009. Please feel free to spread the word on this project. Thank you soo much for your help... I would like to put this poem into the book if you could get me permission from the writer. Again thank you.... peace to you.....”</p><p>Well my friends, I would hope you may be interested in submitting your own work to this initiative that will be published by Tami as a gesture of kindness and a want to spread our messages of peace through artistic and compassionate formats.</p><p>To learn more and get involved, please visit, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook">www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook</a></p><p>And, don't forget to ask Tami / Peace Book to be your friend too.</p><p>Thank you to Tami and all of you for your interest and amazing friendship.</p><p>Peace,</p><p>Paul and all of Mantra Of Peace</p>
<p>Dear friends,</p><p>I hope you are well </p><p>I want to share an initiative of Peace with everyone that is truly amazing!</p><p>This initiative I am writing to you about is called, Peace Book.</p><p>Simply, our friend, Tami Colpitts / Peace Book, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook">www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook</a> is asking for submissions from people all over the world to include in this wonderful project that is a demonstration of selfless giving and Peace !!!!</p><p>When I discovered this project, I wrote to Tami asking more details about this project, and asked if the poem below, written by, Maria Daines is the type of subject matter that would be suitable for the Peace Book initiative.</p><p><a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY29t" target="_blank"><img src="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h299/zestradioshow/mariadainespoemCA2FWDQF.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" /></a></p><p>Here is Tami's reply outlining the parameters of how to submit material for the Peace Book.Tami also asked for permission to use Maria's poem in the Peace Book. (Of course, Maria Daines has given permission
))</p><p>Tami Colpitts writes;</p><p>"There is no cost to submit your pages just simply send them to this address.</p><p>Tami Colpitts</p><p>4317 N.E. 66th Ave. M133</p><p>Vancouver, WA.</p><p>98661</p><p>Submissions can be anything from poetry, drawings to written songs basically anything your heart can create to promote peace. I am asking that submissions be sent to me by October 1st 2009. Please feel free to spread the word on this project. Thank you soo much for your help... I would like to put this poem into the book if you could get me permission from the writer. Again thank you.... peace to you.....”</p><p>Well my friends, I would hope you may be interested in submitting your own work to this initiative that will be published by Tami as a gesture of kindness and a want to spread our messages of peace through artistic and compassionate formats.</p><p>To learn more and get involved, please visit, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook">www.myspace.com/worldpeacebook</a></p><p>And, don't forget to ask Tami / Peace Book to be your friend too.</p><p>Thank you to Tami and all of you for your interest and amazing friendship.</p><p>Peace,</p><p>Paul and all of Mantra Of Peace</p>
<p>Dear friends,</p><p>I hope you are all having a great day !!!!</p><p>I just wanted to let you all know that, The One Word Mantra Of Peace Compilation now also resides at MySpace.</p><p><a href="http://www.myspace.com/mantraofpeace">www.myspace.com/mantraofpeace</a></p><p>For anyone that would like to consider becoming friends of this community at MySpace please send us a friends request.</p><p>You will notice that when you visit the page, there are many people you already know and love </p><p>Thanks to all the musicians that have donated their time, talents and music to this very important project.</p><p>We look forward to hearing from you soon.</p><p>Peace,</p><p>Paul and all at Mantra Of Peace