Melani Cholie
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@wricky, 03/06/22 10:24:58AM
Artist of the month ๐ yes๐บ
THANKS!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!! But I am as well a little in shame cause I am not so active here as I should be...I am not good in following Social media. I am music creator and mainly in pink clouds!
Artist of the month ๐ yes๐บ
THANKS!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!! But I am as well a little in shame cause I am not so active here as I should be...I am not good in following Social media. I am music creator and mainly in pink clouds!

@josephrodz, 10/04/21 04:45:51PM
Welcome to Mixposure! THANKS! I try hard to understand what I can do here, lol
For sure more than I do, I am so bad in Social Media! I am creator
Welcome to Mixposure! THANKS! I try hard to understand what I can do here, lol
For sure more than I do, I am so bad in Social Media! I am creator