<p>For tons of laughs and a real good time IF YOU WANT TO LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF WATCH MY VIDEO Smoke'N Bud With Christ<br /><br />Smoke'n Bud With Christ;
<p>I am really cleaning up my act my focus is now political, and on making myself better, but farther more helping change society to a better outcome world wide, we have the power, and it is heart that moves the world to peace, not anger or negativity!</p>
<p>This video is about my desire for women, in this video I will make you laugh out loud while I express my desire to get to know you personally!</p><p>My Desire;
<p>The Power of the conquest:<br /><br />The conquest is this as follows it is written in the book of old, to rise up all the nations of this world to know who I am, the king of catastrophic glory, and magisty! I am the chosen one whom it has been written to follow. My time has come to reign with mighty power, to cause all mankind to mark there hearts with my love. I will promise to heal the world of the great sickness of the hell in which you all live, and move the forces of power into my hand. I am not asking for faith in me, all I am asking is for hope, and the hope I receive will move this plan into prospect. one day you will all know who I am, and what I have come to do. I ask you seek the stars for answers to my crown, but it is up to mankind to set the rules of acceptance into motion. In time you will receive gifts of truth, and riches, but I am still at my hibernation state, soon I will rise, and now is closer then ever before. The wisdom of teaching is true, and just. I ask only for a pledge of allegiance to my cause, and the forces of power will move us to the thrown's of the gods.<br /><br />-Michael Paul Stratton-</p>
<p>http://www.myyearbook.com/?mysession=cmVnaXN0cmF0aW9uX3Byb2ZpbGUmdXNlcmlkPTIwMDI4MjQx</p><p>tips on hacking, anything, or you just want to know about me, view my profile at the above link or spam the shit out of me at michaelstratton69@ymail.com lol! I will be glad to teach you the tricks of the traid!</p>
<p>Check out all of my new hip hop videos I made with my crew, my click, and my JBR Ridders if you want to laugh, and have crazy isane fun then just type insanejokers23 in the youtube search box, and hit search my crazy insane funny video will come up enjoy---Psycho~!</p>
<p>The Message For The People<br /><br />BY: MICHAEL, PAUL, STRATTON.<br /><br />CHAPTER 1: THE VOICE<br />CHAPTER 2: THE CAUSE<br />CHAPTER 3: THE WAR<br />CHAPTER 4: THE POWER SPEECH<br />CHAPTER 5: RISE UP AND TAKE CONTROL<br />HTTP://WWW2.MIXPOSURE.COM/MICHAEL_PAUL_STRATTON/<br /><br />CHAPTER 1: The Voice:<br /><br />Hello fellow US citizens nice to meet you, I am the Voice Michael Paul Stratton of Truth! I grew up in Murrieta California, and I am responsible for creating an Internet franchise of grand importance in the current day, and age!<br />I desire to make changes, and help, but I need all the help of the USA to do so. <br /> Are you tired of countless days of man made hell by higher taxes? Are you sick of BS laws, and the Government controlling the rise and fall of office, well if you ask me I am sick of their power, and control! This is only going to get worse unless we revolt, and fight, In this short Message you will learn the power that we as US citizens have within us to take control.<br /> I offer if you will listen the key to overpowering the main frame of a system we are all posed into by foolish laws and BS taxes. First step we need numbers I see the figure one million five hundred and sixty six in my head. We need at least that many messages of this text to reach out to the cry of the US Voice, and bring the government to their knees! So I will ask please send a copy of this message to all of your friends, and family so that the message may be understood. If the system is under our control then so is the same for the outcome of mankind, this is true! I strongly feel we have the power to make the world anything we want it to be! If we rise up as one people we can be successful in the dark world of Government control, and BS laws! In this message I have a plea to all of you to act now to bring the fate of mankind to a high peak, as rapidly as possible. If fate lost us to the Government then we are blind to the truth, but we exist in the pure thought of power, to rise up and win the war on the Government! I do not wish for the worst case, I only hope for change, and a positive outcome!<br /><br />CHAPTER 2: The Cause:<br /><br />The cause is simple, we must rise up with power, and not with hate or violence! We must use our words not our weapons, but instead use intelligence as a positive weapon, with words moving mountains into prospect, thus winning every single battle! If for example we do not revolt now, then we will continue to fail, time, and time again! The time is now, we have a limit on how soon we can get results, if we have hope that the Government will act like our aid, instead<br />of our stumbling block, that just seems to get in the way of the society of what we desire, and need! I known we will win this war, we have it inside us to do the unthinkable! Please help me conquer the realms of positive change, by doing the ten steps below now! I need your help as one voice, one unity, and one people! If you help me now, we can't be stopped, and anything we want will be what we get! I have faith in you all to do your part, please have faith in me that I will do my part also! I want the best for mankind, and we all want to be happy, so lest work together to bring the Government to their knees! Within us is a power, and that power can accomplish any goal that we have in our path, no violence, just positive reinforcement is the key to unlock the gates of success! The time is ours, the power is ours, and we as one people can move mountains! I mean do we really need another crazy psycho to do something ext ream, just to get the point to the Government! No we sure do not, instead we need positive enforcement to ac heave our goal of total control, and power over the Government! First of all the Government is wrong, for what they are doing, and they are mistaken if they think we want to take there BS anymore!<br /> <br />CHAPTER 3: The War:<br /><br />#10 Things I hope you will do! <br /><br />This is a war and we are the battle Commanders/Commandos! We control the fate of ourselves, but just one of us can't win this war we need to work together to win the war!<br />#1 Strike from work #2 Post posters saying (NO TAXES!) all over Government buildings, local stores, and on car windows #3 Protest outside Government buildings, and local shopping centers #4 Send massive E-mails with my message to thousands of people all over the USA #5 make phone calls stressing the point! Act now before it is too late and we have another law that outlaws our right to free speech! The time is now we must rise to power, and control the fate of the USA! Below is an example of extra step to reach the goal! Do not hate the Government, but hate the actions of the Government, the set laws, and motives of the set officials! The Government swore they are doing everything they can, but they are not doing their job instead they are spending the taxes on BS projects, and a war we should have never started, thus creating laws that limit our rights! If we have no right to speak freely, then we will be a society of no rights, no control, and no future! I hope we can move fast to stop the Government, before all of our rights are taken away! The Government is wicked, and cruel, and they do not care if we are homeless because they spend all of are taxes on BS projects! If we have no funds to buy any food, because it was all spent on BS war projects, swimming pools in the Governments officials homes, and steaks on there plates, then we are the ones who suffer not the Government! <br /><br />#6 Rise up in office to gain power to make changes to laws, and rules!<br />#7 Invest money in advertising the message!<br />#8 Advertise this message all over the world!<br />#9 Change your mind and see the problem, then encourage others to do the same!<br />#10 Understand that stern love, not hate moves change!<br /><br /> If passion for change is the next move in the hearts of mankind then the USA has hope inside of us to make change a reality, I have faith in you all that we can do anything we want to reach our goal! If we move our aspect into fact then by words we will move mountains, but if we are scared, then we will accomplish nothing at all! Rise to the cause, and help me bring this war on the Government into a positive outcome! More extra Steps:<br /><br />#11 Think outside the box to make changes, go above, and beyond the Government!<br />#12 Intelligence is the key to the door of positive change, use intelligence as a weapon!<br />#13 Power comes in numbers, send the message to those who wish for a better world!<br /><br />I know we can do this, we have full power, and control within ourselves to make the USA, what we want it to be!<br />Atomic thunder is the voice of truth, and that voice is the answer to solve the problem!<br /><br />CHAPTER 4: The Power Speech: <br /><br />The answer is clear it is inside us, it is what we desire, it is hope, not the end of the USA as we know it, because if we continue down this path I say that will be the outcome, no homes, no fuel, no oil, no money, no hope, 1900 again! Yes I say it is true 1900 is our future unless we do something about it! 1# I am going to send this message to all of the Government offices #2 I need your help #3 We as a people can do anything you can dream of #4 The time is now #5 If we act now we still have a chance of getting some results! I am going to get the message out to the Government as quickly as possible, but I can not change this overnight or on my own! I need the help, and support from you to create a movement of power to change the problems at hand! 1900 is the day of a lot of walking, and ridding bikes, no gases for cars, or oil to light oil lamps! If you like the idea of going back in time then this future is just for you, but if you are like me, you like to enjoy all the pleasure technology has to offer us now! If you like rice, bread, and very little money then do not act now, but if you want to live with plenty then help me make a change! If like to ride horses then do not act now, but I however like the ability to drive, and I hope you do also, but if we do not act now we will not have fuel for our cars!<br /><br />CHAPTER 5: Rise Up And Take Control:<br /><br />Rise up do the ten steps, I will do my five steps, and we will win the war on the Government together! For more info please visit my web site at Http://www2.mixposure.com/Michael_Paul_Stratton/<br /><br />We have the power inside us to do the positive unthinkable, but we have to do it now, then we will see the peace, and love that we as one people really want! I ask you to meet me half way, and act now, so we can work together to solve the current problems we as USA citizens suffer from today.</p>
<p>In the beginning on another galaxy in another star system there existed a guy name Mike, Mike created it, he saw it, and was good, then the he created a song about his little adventures all alone! The earth was created in all his glory, and Mike want's you to surrender your self to his new religion called (Social Operations) as a educated follower you will receive in the postal mail for free (The Holy Babble Of Things.) Please e-mail me your address to michaelstratton83@yahoo.com for your free (Holy Babble) Thank you, by the way after the seventh day of working on this song I rested!</p><p>If you want to join my religion, I accept all, I do not have any (predigests)<font size="2"></font></p><p> </p><p> </p>