It is coming up on that time of year again where we start looking for Holiday Song Submissions! This has been a tradition around Mixposure for several years now and one that has become a favorite.
If you are new to Mixposure, here is how this works. Create a Holiday song in any genre. It can be comedic like Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer or as serious as Handel's Messiah. It does not require vocals. All we ask is that you have some fun doing it!
Once you have your song completed, please use a a genre of "Holiday Songs 2013" so we can find them easily.
One of the questions that always comes up is, Can I Do a Cover? As long as the song is the the Public Domain feel free!
Please post if you have any questions.
updated by @dazed: 02/09/21 02:21:16AM
Mixposure Holiday Song Submissions
I have 2 , is it ok to add both? One's purtty, the other...well you'll just have to hear it.

I've just added "it's Christmas" I wrote this many years ago with my friend Sandy Scofield from B.C. to help raise money for kids in need in the Vancouver area and as recently as of two years ago re-recorded another version of the tune with my friend Steve Fulton from Audio Lab Studio In Garden City, Idaho to raise money for the Boise Food Bank ... it's traveled quite a bit in it's lifetime ... I hope you enjoy it ~ sue
updated by @sue-leonard: 12/06/13 12:51:53AM
updated by @sue-leonard: 12/06/13 12:51:53AM
Yes Ron more than one is fine
ive done 5
...yay !!!!

Hi Todd,
I've recently uploaded 'Deck the Halls' to the Holiday Song 2013 genre. Thanks for the opportunity to share it with you and others.
I've recently uploaded 'Deck the Halls' to the Holiday Song 2013 genre. Thanks for the opportunity to share it with you and others.
Please check out my new music!
I Would Like To Post One, I Know It Is Early But Wanted To share This One With You All. You May Not Be Taking Them Now, But Just Saw This On The Home Page.
My name is Michael Paul Stratton, and I am a funny hip hop music artist, please check out my funny songs for laughs, and giggles!
I've just added 'Holiday Songs 2014" to the genre for my new song 'Faith Moves Mountains' hope that's right?
thanks, Tara
thanks, Tara