I uploaded a song yesterday and it does not appear in the New Songs list.
What is the difference between my home page and my audio page? Do I keep songs on both pages?
updated by @richard-krankoski: 11/24/15 11:20:08PM
Is There a Comprehensive User's Guide?
Ok. Thanks. Got the pic added and then found it in new songs. How was I supposed to know about that? Where are these tabs you mention? There seems to be a lot of features here but no info about how to access them. Reminds me of an adventure game.

OK. Now my home page has three copies of the song. What now?
Richard, your home page is set to your timeline. I you make 3 modifications to a son or a blog etc. it will show up three times. To change that you can set your "landing" page to be your Audio tab.
Richard to avoid confusion I just changed your landing page to be the audio tab. So now when you go to http://www.mixposure.com/richard-krankoski it will automatically go to http://www.mixposure.com/richard-krankoski/Audio. If you click your name above the tabs, it will go to the timeline.
Richard, you have me laughing. I, too, am a newbie and I find myself saying on here alot, 'I don't get this site." The all black page hurts my tired eyes and leaves a blank in my mind. What's there to do here or how do I get to some action? Unlike other music sites, I don't ever find any activity on here, nothing interesting happening that I can find anyway. So I log out & go to Reverb or somewhere else. There I find fans to thank or reply to, messages or comments to answer, real people interested in me, and I in them. I still don't understand about the radio stations and step by step how to get my song on one of those, etc. I hope the support team here is listening and hopefully wanted to improve this site, for newby's anyway, simplifying would be nice, hey, maybe a comprehensive user's guide would help, if you could start out and see the site as a newby that might help, we're lost. RR

Just an FYI - If you drop your music on any site and are not active on there, the chances of getting any feedback is low. Rosanna I looked at your page and you have not done any song reviews. Mixposure has always been a song review driven site. What that means is that I listen and comment on others music and they in turn listen and comment on mine. I go into the chat room and the DJ's see me in there and grab a song of mine and play it. You can click on the Radio Menu item and then Mixposure DJ's and send any of them a message with a link to your page.
We just made a major change a few months ago and made things a lot easier. Clicking the + button to add blogs, songs etc. or the cog wheel to edit and the trash can to delete. What I did not want to do was create a huge document that would intimidate the hell out of everyone. I will see if I can come up with something easier though.
We just made a major change a few months ago and made things a lot easier. Clicking the + button to add blogs, songs etc. or the cog wheel to edit and the trash can to delete. What I did not want to do was create a huge document that would intimidate the hell out of everyone. I will see if I can come up with something easier though.
Dear Admin (you know my name but I do not know yours), thanks for your prompt reply. I have learned from it, and it has given me room for thought. It might be helpful if you post your explanation of your site like you did for me, somewhere that newbies can kind of get the feel of the place when they join. The explanation about going to the chat room to find DJ's was helpful. I will check it out when I get the time. And how does one become a DJ on here, if I was to consider that feat? Is there a "how to become a DJ 101" somewhere? The black pages and white lettering still strains my eyes though, dear, and the tiny font size is still a problem for me. It does look modern & cool though. Thanks again for listening to complaints or feedback, that's an improvement over other music sites! You seem like you have a good heart. Rose
(p.s. small correction: I did do a few song reviews when I first joined.)
updated by @rosanna-richardson: 05/13/14 07:29:20AM

updated by @rosanna-richardson: 05/13/14 07:29:20AM
Glad to meet you, Todd. Thanks for your prompt, personal reply about becoming a DJ and the font size. At the risk of sounding like a total computer dummy, but concerning the font, I ask "what control key? where is it? Is it on your black screen or "
Also, concerning getting on chat, in order to get connected with others and on their radio play (e.g. Michael Stone), I did do that last night. But it seemed I was on chat by myself. No one answered or chatted with me. I do not understand the chat & radio/DJ play thing. I heard the music being played, but couldn't find a button to comment on each song that I heard. Felt totally alone on chat.
Thanks for your patience with me about the problems I am having on your site. Rose from Texas
Also, concerning getting on chat, in order to get connected with others and on their radio play (e.g. Michael Stone), I did do that last night. But it seemed I was on chat by myself. No one answered or chatted with me. I do not understand the chat & radio/DJ play thing. I heard the music being played, but couldn't find a button to comment on each song that I heard. Felt totally alone on chat.

Hi Rose, and welcome to Mixposure. Chat rooms all over the internet seem to have their own rules about when to gather. Whenever I come into chat on Mix it's usually because I want to listen to a particular DJ's show (Sat nights is always good)or because I am plugging new product.
From my own personal experience, sites like Mix are priceless because they are made by the community of musicians FOR the musicians. Most of the people I've met along my 20 years of doing this, have all ended up on this site (amongst others) and the reason is very simple. We are all friends for many years and like and respect each others work. That, to me, is priceless.
So, you are in chat, did you see the DJ in there with you? If you see on the DJ list that Otto is playing the music, he will not talk to you because he is an automated DJ. Look through the list and times of DJ shows and turn up to some of them, they usually get a respectable crowd - especially at the weekends.
From my own personal experience, sites like Mix are priceless because they are made by the community of musicians FOR the musicians. Most of the people I've met along my 20 years of doing this, have all ended up on this site (amongst others) and the reason is very simple. We are all friends for many years and like and respect each others work. That, to me, is priceless.
So, you are in chat, did you see the DJ in there with you? If you see on the DJ list that Otto is playing the music, he will not talk to you because he is an automated DJ. Look through the list and times of DJ shows and turn up to some of them, they usually get a respectable crowd - especially at the weekends.
Are you Todd or someone else? Thanks for your kind reply. Last night I got on Michael Stone's station chat, but no, no one was in chat except me, that I could see. Had to work late tonight, but will try again another time.
No, I'm definitely not Todd
I'm a musician just like you trying to make something of this online scene. Todd is the admin of this site.