
I get to be first!

12 years ago
17 posts
The water cooler is traditionally a place to talk about anything. So here goes, I saw a thing on some internet news site today "20 celebrities who have come out of the closet" Does ANYONE really care about this? Did anyone NOT know that Adam Lambert or Clay Aiken were gay? I mean c'mon...

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. lol

updated by @gene-smith: 10/11/21 07:22:11PM
12 years ago
7 posts
Looking good! :)
12 years ago
3 posts
Obviously, and finally I might add, it would seem fewer and fewer people care about a person's sexual orientation. I've always looked at it as merely one aspect of a person's makeup which would rarely inform you of their overall being. I mean, how many hetero people grill their hetero acquaintances about the particular of their sex lives? Might be fun, but most of my contemporaries probably have little to talk about...
updated by @the-truevulgarians: 11/09/13 12:31:16PM
12 years ago
17 posts
Agreed on all counts. To be honest I really could give two shakes who sleeps with who. If your music is good I'll listen and love it, if you are a good actor I will sit on the edge of my seat and rave about the amazing job you did in that movie. Beyond that you are just another human being, just saying. There are many things I would like or need to see in the news, this kind of crap is a waste of electrons IMHO.
12 years ago
3 posts
I'm sure the acoustics are much better for them now. closets have none!!


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