<p>mysilenttragedy.is marcus reos memeber of the production team decaturville..while still devolping urban underground hiphop has now focused his sites on his experimental indietronic sound...a favorite in the new york underground indie scene .always poping up at the right time it seems.doing on the fly session jams with local artist made him a house hold sound amung the digital heads..mixing lush sounds into almost morbid yet sad soundscapes fast paced on the slowest sclaes of experimental music..his first album the fire killed killed the stone while only selling in the new york area made an impact on the green comunity..after that came the metro has a sky on nevasetal ent..sadly neva setal closed its doors after 2004 for reasons unknown.mysilenttragedy decided in 2006 after the death of long time graph artist and friend phere aka jonny voez to leave the hiphop music industrys main stream and focus his attention on what he calls a deeper sense of diying and took the mysilenttragedy montra into full steam..it was then that everything came to be the music you hear now emotional downtempo scratchy lyrics lush soundscapes fused with breakbeat scruffy sounds..is the best way to sum it up it has no lables it is to be called as it is.. it is a trip into you thoughts what ever they be !! http://www.reverbnation.com/mysilenttragedy to download the free promos trust me theres a lot for you to grab this year... or listen to mst on http://www.last.fm/music/mysilenttragedy<object width="350" height="300"><param name="movie" value="save YOU name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="save YOU; wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="300"></embed></object></p>