No Robots
album: #1 in August
genre: Instrumental
streams: 68
creation date: 2010-02-11
purchase: mp3, 8.6MB, 00:06:16
genre: Instrumental
streams: 68
creation date: 2010-02-11
purchase: mp3, 8.6MB, 00:06:16
this has more of of a pop feel to the intro could really hear lyrics to this, again I don't know who is on clarinet but I love the tones of it, great production again.
I like the mix of instruments in this one. Reminds me of 70's english electric folk maybe Canterbury? Good sounds throughout this fine,interesting and well crafted recording.
It's me, Anthony 'TJ' Allgeier on winds, but this track, as I recall, is all alto sax. There might be some clarinet in there...I'll have to listen to it again. But, as a clarinetist, I play the sax a bit more clarinet-like. So that's what you're hearing. Thanks again man.
Heres the deal, if this is good will listen to them all (bad idea releasing so many tracks at once - they will not get the listens say at one per day). You win this is my sort of thing - groove that unwinds with repetitive rhythm for the reeds to explore including shifting modes - kind of irratated guitar figure descending fewer and fewer notes. But the reeds make thsi unusual. Great concept and playing. ftlpope