No Robots
No Robots


album: #1 in August
genre: Instrumental
streams: 43
creation date: 2010-02-11
purchase: mp3, 9.1MB, 00:06:36
02/11/10 06:39:41PM @bigpete:
now a rock groove, love it, I like the way your mixes are not to compressed so we feel the dynamics, its more of a groove track for sure, I find this a bit more of a jam than an emotion piece but again you take us on a sound journey thats very enjoyable.
Bill B
02/11/10 05:18:21PM @frankfurt-merlin:
Opens with a freeform sounding incidental part and breaks into a mid psychedelic jam sounding once again like something from the 60s-70's. Another fine mix of instruments interweave meander there way between one another. This one holds together better than the previous and does not break down towards the end. Once again it reminds me of the Canterbury sound and in places sometimes like King Crimson or some of the early German bands of this genre. For those fans of this style this is a good solid track for sure. Well done.
02/12/10 07:51:50AM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
Looked at your Biog - none. I t would be nice to try to ground this music in some context but it would be fine if the point is to let it stand. I guess there is something of the indian raga in this approach. All of the players are obviously very competent and to get reeds to sound that cool is great. I suspect this is live. OK it stay on a core note and beat but is otherwise freeform in an eastern mode. Excellent again. ftlpope


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