<p>Pat Powell chose to make Sydney his home in 1981 where he is well known as a jazz, funk and reggae singer, he has worked and recorded internationally with some of the biggest names in show business Al Green, Michael Hutchence and Kylie to name a few.</p> <p> In 2004 he teamed up with Paul Finnerty and they recorded a CD in the mainstream jazz style. They were quick to realize that the best way to promote their music was to write original tunes and in 2006 they brought out a CD which was done in the adult contemporary style. </p><p>This year they have produced a CD which so far has been described as being in the 60’s pop/retro rock style, although to either it is just good music.</p><p>The music on this CD is done with a four piece rhythm section, Pat's diction is nice and clear which means it doesn't have to be deciphered. I purposely play straight melody on the guitar to state the tune. Also I chose a busy bass pattern to work with the drums, the end result is a very open feeling which allows the listener to fill in the spaces. </p><p>Paul Finnerty</p>