Paul rainbird
Paul rainbird
Paul rainbird

I'm Coming On (TYA Cover)

album: Unknown
genre: Rock
streams: 156
creation date: 2023-08-08

I'm Coming On (TYA Cover)
Paul rainbird
08/16/23 08:10:13AM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks for the listen Ron much appreciated
08/15/23 10:30:24AM @ron-dadey:
This is real cool work Paul.... Alvin is smiling...
Paul rainbird
08/15/23 09:26:26AM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks Eric cheers
Eric Saitz
08/15/23 08:14:23AM @eric-saitz:
Great track Paul. Some excellent guitar work going on here!

Paul rainbird
08/10/23 12:16:51PM @paul-rainbird:
Thank you Gary glad you liked it
Gary Dabrowski
08/10/23 11:54:07AM @gary-dabrowski:
sounds great Paul...this sure rocks!...enjoy it muchly!
Paul rainbird
08/10/23 05:36:30AM @paul-rainbird:
Thank you Carol Sue for the listen and your kind comments
carol sue
08/10/23 04:49:46AM @carol-sue:
Rockin' goodness, Paul!
Love the high energy and your guitar playing is very impressive.
Vocals are on the money. You have yourself a winner right here!
Much enjoyed~ bravo *****

Paul rainbird
08/09/23 09:01:35AM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks for the listen and kind comments Rob hope you do a cover song just put your stamp on it.....cheers
Rob Grant
08/09/23 08:19:39AM @rob-grant:
Wow!!! Great job!! A bit different from you….guitar kicks butt!! I want to do a cover, I’m too scared‍♂️
Paul rainbird
08/08/23 04:11:51PM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks Farrell much appreciated
Farrell Jackson
08/08/23 02:14:04PM @farrell-jackson:
Hot damn, that is good Paul!


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