Paul rainbird
Paul rainbird
Paul rainbird

What Goes On Inside Her Head?

album: Unknown
genre: Rock
streams: 51
creation date: 2024-08-23

What Goes On Inside Her Head?
Paul rainbird
10/15/24 04:45:53PM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks Digger
10/15/24 03:01:33AM @digger-stone:
killer vib on this one. im enjoying this one.
Paul rainbird
09/03/24 11:02:06AM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks for the spin Ron and thanks for the comment appreciated muchly
09/03/24 06:23:27AM @ronbowes:
Cool track Paul. As Jim said, I played this one on the Blackwater's Music Shack show and it went down well.
Paul rainbird
08/28/24 05:56:10AM @paul-rainbird:
Thanks Jim
08/27/24 08:18:37PM @jimsae:
Ron Bowes played this the other night, and I was blown away with the amazing guitar work. One helluva song, Paul!
Paul rainbird
08/25/24 05:10:38PM @paul-rainbird:
Thank you Mizieya much appreciated thanks for the listen
08/25/24 03:22:00PM @mizieya:
nice foot tapping number oh yes I like this song a lot. pretty vibrant lyrically perfect
Paul rainbird
08/25/24 04:38:41AM @paul-rainbird:
Thank You Farrell
Farrell Jackson
08/24/24 12:38:57PM @farrell-jackson:
Great guitar harmonies and vocals Paul! The rocky, overdriven rhythm riff works well at anchoring the song throughout. Cool guitar soloing (the outro rocks) and songwriting!


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