
It's All About You - feat. Raphael Gazal

album: "I'll try 'til I die"
genre: Punk Rock
streams: 36
creation date: 2024-12-08

  Song Lyrics
It's All About You. Well I don't know what to doCause I really don't trust youOur leaders don't have timeAre you gonna walk the lineWhere's all the money...
  Song Information
Well, peeping through my fingers at the political turmoil in the world at the moment, how about a quick listen to this one 'It's All About You - feat....
It's All About You - feat. Raphael Gazal
12/12/24 10:13:23AM @phillipfoxley:
@tristynleach: Thanks a million for your comment Tristyn. That melodic lead break took quite a while to get 'right' - it was so hard to keep it simple without being tempted to shred all over the place. Delighted you enjoyed it.
12/12/24 07:28:15AM @tristynleach:
Cool track has that california punk pop rock style to it, nice production work with the vocal beginning, really liked the melodic guitar solo that was great could almost sing along just to that if was longer,
nice work, i enjoyed

12/09/24 02:35:05PM @phillipfoxley:
@farrell-jackson thanks++ for your comment Farrell and early 2000’s influence is a spot on observation which seems to be a significant factor in all my music. Excellent comment, thanks again. 🤝
Farrell Jackson
12/09/24 09:01:30AM @farrell-jackson:
A cool style of music. It reminds me of some American TV series themes that were produced in the early 2000's. "Friends" come to mind. This is performed, recorded and produced very good. You have an excellent singer for this style. The guitar solo was hot Phillip, well done!
12/08/24 05:59:32PM @phillipfoxley:
@billb Thanks for your thoughts Bill and I’m delighted to hear that this track resonates so well with you and in an era that I also know well. Your comment is valued and so much appreciated. 🤝👍
12/08/24 05:03:37PM @billb:
This is a great piece of song writing and it's well executed.. I find it stirs up recognition of a very specific era of style and sound. Reminds me a lot of Allan Hull and Lindis Farne. Also I feel hints of Billy Bragg and so much of more discreet Pop/punk British style. I enjoyed it a lot. Good to hear something a bit different. thanks for the grat listening experience. Cheers!
12/08/24 04:09:25PM @phillipfoxley:
Humble thank you for your great comment Tony @tony-cee. For a songwriter and amateur producer, feedback doesn’t get any better than that and I’m hugely grateful. 😊🤝👍
tony cee
12/08/24 01:44:31PM @tony-cee:
fantastic song phillip , everthing sounds clear , love the drums , bass , vocals , and lyrics , and backing vocals superb listen , cheers tony cee


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