Plan Red
Plan Red


First Blog!

By planred, 2009-04-02

<p>Hi there everyone!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks for the positive comments we got so far. As all of you will know, getting the time to write and record music is the biggest headache, we've got about 5 half-finished songs here needing a few solid days work - but no solid days to give!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Some of you may know me from the Cakewalk forums (i'm mgh there), so here's some gear info: Sonar 7PE, i use a Soundcraft Compact 4 mixer into an Echo Audiofire 2 soundcard. I have Behringer Truth monitors and some Sennheiser phones. I play guitar (Washburn X200 Pro and Ibanez RG370 DX, Crafter FX550eq, Fender Precision and Vox Ad50VT) and piano (Casio Privia PX700). Steve writes the lyrics and sings. I use CW synths like z3ta+ and also IK Sonic Synth and Sampletank, NI GUitar Rig 2 and Ozone 3. Right boring stuff over - i'll be taking a listen to some tunes by other people on here now...</p>

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