Psycho Sexy Michael
Psycho Sexy Michael

The Nightmare II

user image 2012-08-19
By: michaelstrat6966
Posted in:
The Nightmare II

<p>in the beginning I was in a place in a sober living, where gods were in control of my mind, and souls were broken my name is Samuel Smithy, a rouge warrior of the fifth star in the third sector of sexual hell. I woke up one morning naked in my bed with sex on my mind I thought to my self should I rape someone today. I then thought to myself no I should not maybe I will just shoot some dirty common **** in the mouth with my sawed off shot gun. I again thought no, all of a sudden I was filled with retarded thoughts of Satan fucking Mickey mouse in the ass with Santa clause&rsquo;s dick. I was then filled with the love of Satan in my pants. I thought of the dog I fucked last night with no vassalage. God and the good lord Jesus last name Christ has a pompous for my naked soul. I am son of a bastard of a one footed ass **** named Peter, Peter Pan. The only thing I can think to do today is plant a big bomb in an elementary school, then I laugh a wicked little laugh&nbsp; as I **** my pants. I have killed six women and five men on my tummy, damn I hate little short fat people. I sought to find the little key to open the door to humpty dumpty&rsquo;s ****. I sat on my bed for one hour thinking about how I was going to rape the thought of sex with my mother. Then I opened the bible and read John 3:16. I am a little bitch I thought to myself. I took my dad&rsquo;s shotgun out of his safe, walked to my car, opened the front door of my car, and proceed to K-Mart. When I got to K-Mart I took my shotgun out of the trunk of my car, and went inside. I just love Christmas, because I get to butt **** little elves in the ass with my satanic fire ****. When I was born in a manger I was naked, my first thought was raping a horse. The difference between me, and Adolph Hitler is I want to exterminate everyone not just Jews. I then walked up to the first teller, and told her I hat her punch in little zit face, and put my shotgun to her head, then I pulled the trigger, and shot the **** of a specify meat ball sandwich out of her skull ha he, **** me!. I understand I am a little ass when I **** crack heads in the ass, with my flame&rsquo;s hot red little ****. After I shot the women in the skull, I told everyone they must not leave K-Mart. I screamed **** you all everyone on the mother fucking floor. Someone push the button to call the emergency cops to save them so I took out my buck knife, and cut his finger off, then I put the finger in my mouth, and swilled it hole. I hat little people I thought to myself as I masturbated in the K-Mart bathroom, the excitement of killing people mad me very Horney. I thought to myself hey I kind of feel like God. The sirens of the cop cars were drawing close, so I shot four more people in the legs, told some eighteen year old girl named Sara to suck my dick, as she was going up, and down on my ****, I busted in her mouth told her to swallow, and shot her face off. I then laughed licked the blood off my mouth, and waited for the cops to get to me. The phone in teller two rang, so I answered it, the voice on the other line said, this is officer Steven Smith, please no more killing let&rsquo;s resolve this peacefully. I said **** you I want a pizza, and put the shot gun in my mouth sat on the floor pulled the trigger with my toe, and went to a fire hell with my boyfriend Satan. Satan, said get the **** back to earth bitch, I am not done with you yet, so I was resurrected, to continue to kill people. It is my hope you all **** off, and die so I can eat your bodies, with a large cup of tea. I then left K-Mart, went to my car, and decided to drive over to McDonalds restroom to slaughter some for people pigs. I opened the door to my car, and said ****, because I bang it on my dick shaped middle finger. I looked at the door to McDonalds, and said **** this is a dump, **** those little handicapped children in the Ronald McDonald charity fund. I would not even give a shiny penny to that butt fucking shit of a cause. I walked up to the counter shotgun in hand, and said ok here we go, I want everyone on the mother fucking floor, I am a man, I have a huge hard dick in my pants, and I am not afraid to use it. Then I said to the teller, what is your name, she replied. My name my name is&hellip;. I said did I stutter mother **** what is your name. She said Sara, my name is sssara. I said the **** with this, and blew a bowl of spaghetti out of her brain, with the shot gun. Satan came down from Heaven like the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and said your work is done my beautiful daughter of sin, time to come home. Satan the might dragon, bit my head off, and I kissed his dick with my tooth. I went to hell with him to burn in the lake of fire. Forever sucking his dick, and burning on fire&hellip;The End.&nbsp;</p>


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