Psycho Sexy Michael
Psycho Sexy Michael

My song Adam & Eve

user image 2012-08-19
By: michaelstrat6966
Posted in:
My song Adam & Eve

<p>Welcome to the land of the holy funny bible, this is the story of Adam, and Eve, my sick twisted version. It was about twelve O&rsquo; clock in heaven when God got board, so he said to himself, and I quote, What should We three do to make the existence more fun, I know let us create a world like the future The Sims video game, by&nbsp; Maxis video game company. So God sparked a little macula into a nocuous, proton, electron, and a little hint of oxygen, boom bang presto like magic, he created the heavens, and the earth. Then God said to his other three personalities lets make a being in our image to **** up life on earth. So God took the dust from the earth, and made, an insane creature called mankind, which turned out to be a fucking joke. A few days later after God took his nap, Eve was naked in the garden of Deon, when a snake with a big dick appeared. The snake said to eve, O&rsquo; you look mighty sexy to day, Eve replied thank you, your&nbsp; extra hard yourself. The snake said look at the fruit on this tree dost it not look good. Eve replied why yes snake&nbsp; it does, but God said we may eat of nay tree in the garden except this one. The snake replied, you shall not die, for God knows if you eat of the fruit, your eyes shall be open, and you will destroy God, and take over heaven. Eve took the fruit from the tree, and bit it, all of a sudden she knew she had a ****, and&nbsp; ****. She wanted Adam to eat her ****, so she &nbsp;walked over to him, and saw his big dick, eve handed the fruit to Adam, and Said here eat this, it will make you very horney. Adam said maybe I should, so we can have a better sex life. Adam ate the fruit, and his eyes were open, he knew he had a big dick. So God was very mad when he saw Adam, and Eve fucking under the forbidden tree of knowledge of sexual positions. So God damned them out of the garden for ever, and put a flaming **** in front, to guard the garden of sex forever, The End.</p>


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