Randy Gabel
Randy Gabel
Randy Gabel

In a Daze

album: no album
genre: Blues
streams: 18
creation date: 2024-05-06

In a Daze
Randy Gabel
05/08/24 02:10:36PM @randy-gabel:
i loved the guitars great composition to listen to- the type of track you wanna play over again

Thanks !!!

05/08/24 10:31:18AM @mizieya:
i loved the guitars great composition to listen to- the type of track you wanna play over again
Randy Gabel
05/07/24 02:03:56PM @randy-gabel:
Bill B:
A nice melodic piece of instrumental rock using well produced guitars to successfuly deliver it with expert playing technique and fine use of contemporary FX.

Hey Thanks Bill,

05/07/24 12:40:26PM @bill-b:
A nice melodic piece of instrumental rock using well produced guitars to successfuly deliver it with expert playing technique and fine use of contemporary FX.


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