Raze Daze
Raze Daze


Full Circle New Remix

By razedaze, 2010-04-06
Full Circle New Remix

<p>Here is a new remix of my new song Full Circle. Hope you enjoy it.</p>

Posted in: New mix | 0 comments

<p>This is a song I keep close to me that I may rerecord in the near future when I slow down enough.</p><p>The recording quality is far from perfect but the song is from the heart.</p><p>Hope you enjoy!</p>

"The Brand New Day"

By razedaze, 2010-03-17
"The Brand New Day"

<p>Just uploaded another song "The Brand New Day" which I wrote for my girlfreind ( aka Razegirl) before starting our new lives togeather.... I hope You Enjoy!!!</p>

New in town

By razedaze, 2010-03-16
New in town

<p>Hi Everyone!! Just new here to Mixposure.com, I have finally completed my profile and figuring how things work around here. I can now sit back and listen to some of the incredible talent on here and enjoy myself, I've taken a few minutes here and there all day finding that this is one fine site with a serious crowd!</p><p>Please stop by my page if I don't get to you first as I would love to meet you all, I have been joining everyones you tube, myspace, twitter and facebook as I go around to try and help spread your word.</p><p>See around, hope you enjoy my tuneage as you give it a spin!</p><p>Cheers!</p>

Posted in: Rock songs | 1 comments