Rich Lodato
Rich Lodato
Rich Lodato


album: Faces out there
genre: Alternative
streams: 68
creation date: 2022-08-07

  Song Lyrics
an intersection of carsone hundred and nine more milesI turned off the highwayno less worse for ware a carpenter walks through my cross viewas I get out of...
  Song Information
First master with my new mastering gear.
08/25/22 07:18:57PM @slider:
Your a master. Wow . So nice Rich. I love everything you do !
08/25/22 07:11:27PM @jerrywillard:
A most amazing song Rich.. Well done, I was hooked from the start. Superb mix. Love it brother!
Rich Lodato
08/25/22 04:39:08PM @rich-lodato:
a new song from my friend Rich @lodato ~ actually a remastered song...first master with your new mastering gear. I truly love this song ~ as usual, very well put together...& I love your double voices ....not tech talk...but, I am sure you understand me. Gonna DL this right now...did I mention I love this song ... :D
Peace Moe
Thank you Moe! You are such a light for me. 💜

08/14/22 08:55:23PM @moequinn:
listened to this song in my car a few days ago..while driving about on errands ~ it sounds wonderful especially when I crank it up ~ thankful my car has a good stereo
Peace, Love & Harmony Moe

Farrell Jackson
08/09/22 06:38:01PM @farrell-jackson:
A very cool and spacey song Rich. The words and vocals paint a very descriptive picture. Well done!
Gary Dabrowski
08/08/22 04:40:55PM @gary-dabrowski:
cool song, and you did good with your new mastering gear...sounds great!
Rich Lodato
08/08/22 12:18:46AM @rich-lodato:
a new song from my friend Rich @lodato ~ actually a remastered song...first master with your new mastering gear. I truly love this song ~ as usual, very well put together...& I love your double voices ....not tech talk...but, I am sure you understand me. Gonna DL this right now...did I mention I love this song ...kidding :D
Peace Moe

Thank you Moe! You’re clear as a bell!

08/07/22 10:10:57PM @moequinn:
a new song from my friend Rich @lodato ~ actually a remastered song...first master with your new mastering gear. I truly love this song ~ as usual, very well put together...& I love your double voices ....not tech talk...but, I am sure you understand me. Gonna DL this right now...did I mention I love this song ... :D
Peace Moe


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