Rich Lodato
Rich Lodato
Rich Lodato

Fade In The Sun ft. JRodz

album: Collaborations
genre: rock
streams: 68
creation date: 2023-11-23

  Song Lyrics
Fade in the sun. how long can you runheat can slow you downbut for someit brings around battles are a common offspringwhen running to or from somethinga...
  Song Information
I recorded this piece a long time ago.. Joseph heard it and thought he'd embellish it with his lovely guitar. I mastered this now amazing song tonight, and...
Fade In The Sun ft. JRodz
Eric Saitz
12/16/23 08:31:36PM @eric-lee-saitz:
Hi Rich and Joseph. First time hearing this one and I am loving it. While I do love your more stipped down songs I think this showcases how strong a vocalist you are. The guitar work Joseph is spot on for the song. I don't think I've heard a guitar addition that didn't match. Really enjoye this guys

12/09/23 12:03:15PM @ron-dadey:
Rich, If I have not told you this... I love your honest approach to your vocals.... ya leave nothing on the table!! Ya give everything you do 200%.... sometimes it may be way over the top... but always interesting and anyone listening will know ya put all of yourself into whatever you are singing to..... you make those working with you step up their game.... awesome track as always!!!
Gary Dabrowski
12/07/23 09:15:02AM @gary-dabrowski:
I like this one...very cool song...interesting mix of your two styles together!
carol sue
12/01/23 07:11:20AM @carol-sue:
Passionate performance from you, Rich~ very nice!
Both you and Joseph have such great ears and talents for music.
Easy to echo the previous comments and applaud this song + collaboration!
***** ::encore::

11/27/23 04:04:24PM @bustert:
another big little cosmos...great!
11/24/23 10:38:07AM @ron-dadey:
I love it!!
Rob Grant
11/23/23 02:20:40PM @rob-grant:
Wow!! This is really a great song. Love your vocals on this. It really has a bit of an atmospheric sound. Guitar from Joseph is always fantastic. Great mix!!
tony cee
11/23/23 01:09:43PM @tony-cee:
this is brill , great song and guitar work . nice listen .....cheers tony cee
11/23/23 09:55:17AM @josephrodz:
Thanks again Master Lodato!
A tasty song to jam.

Farrell Jackson
11/23/23 09:40:40AM @farrell-jackson:
Great harmonies Rich. The mood of the song is haunting and I like the reverb/delay effects that give the song a lot of depth. Joseph's guitar solo was a cool treat to my ears.
11/23/23 09:29:11AM @tristynleach:
unique track great vocal as always, has a ole skool feel sound to it , liked the guitar solo and the way tit picks up with the percussion, works real well, nice work guys
11/23/23 06:10:24AM @ronbowes:
Great atmospheric song Rich, nice kb touches and of course raised to another level by the magic of JRodz


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