Romeo Mascarinas
Romeo Mascarinas

Category: Roro Music

Who And What Is Roro Music

By RoroMusic, 2010-03-01
Who And What Is Roro Music

<p><span style="font-size: small;">Roro Music is a combination of two musical minds both of whom are true Dagohoy-blooded Boholanos. It's a collaboration founded on years of friendship, common life experience and shared interest but whose current musical quest and aspiration go beyond the limits and boundaries of some home-grown and culturally-embraced influences of the present time (pop culture), in pursuit of something new and unfamiliar, yet very special (we're going country!), in the hope of breaking new grounds (for future performing artists), creating fresh perspectives (for budding songwriters) and laying new platforms for many ipodcasters (modern music lovers) to enjoy, celebrate and tread on in the many years to come.<br /><br />Musically yours,<br /><br /><em>Romeo C. Mascari&ntilde;as &amp; J. Roel Lungay</em><br /></span></p>

Posted in: Roro Music | 0 comments

How We Got Started

By RoroMusic, 2010-03-01
How We Got Started

<p><span style="font-size: small;">We hope this simple blog expresses in some shape or form what we are trying to portray: sharing with you this exciting adventure we're currently undertaking that was almost totally unplanned, to say the least, lest it's been lurking around in our subconscious without us even knowing it. Needless to say, the very moment it dawned on us the direction this diversion (hobby) was leading us to, 'twas almost an automatic progression for us to jumpstart the engine in search for a better understanding of what the implications are this so-called songwriting partnership got us into. Sometimes we wonder if this is just plain coincidence or maybe some kind of providence? We'll see!</span></p>

Posted in: Roro Music | 0 comments