RS Cain
RS Cain
RS Cain

Sister Songs? Yes, and they're wearin' me out!

user image 2011-07-02
By: rscain
Posted in:
Sister Songs? Yes, and they're wearin' me out!

<p><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;">Hey folks. I've just posted the "sister" song to "<strong>Sinners</strong>", it's called "<strong>My Favorite Day Of The Week</strong>". They were both written on the same day using the same basic themes, both lyrically and musically. It was my first attempt at "concept" writing, the intent was for them to be on the "Honky Tonk Monkey" CD but they didn't seem to fit that so I left them off, but due to theur constant nagging (they <strong>ARE </strong>sisters, aren't they?) I've put them on the new CD. It's up to you to judge how successful this brilliant idea was...</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva; font-size: medium;"></span></p>


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