Exposing the Mix
<p>Exposing the Mix.....Mixposure <img title="Laughing" src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif" border="0" alt="Laughing" /></p><p>Since there aren't many folks here that are <span style="text-decoration: underline;">true</span> country and/or hard core country, is there any way to attract those type people here?</p><p>This leads me to wonder, in a much broader view, how people find Mixposure in the first place. I found Mixposure through links on another independent internet radio site that I belong to....fortunately for me.<img title="Smile" src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" border="0" alt="Smile" width="18" height="18" /> But, if I do a Google search, for example, and look for online independent radio sites, I don't find Mixposure (or at least not on the first few pages....didn't look any further). I would think Mixposure would be the first thing that comes up and if not, then why not? I realize that this site is much more than just an online radio site but if you were searching for such things you wouldn't come across Mixposure. That concerns me. How many people are missing out on this awesome place....hundreds....thousands.....millions? I don't know.</p><p>So, I'm just wondering.....</p><p>How many members does Mixposure currently have?</p><p>How is Mixposure advertised and/or seen by search engines?</p><p>Is there any way to get Mixposure more exposure?</p>
It don't disagree with that Luca, but that's not exactly what I was getting at. I, myself, am not necessarily looking for an audience. I DO have my music all over the internet. And, I have my usual followers and fans. I'm also NOT suggesting that Mixposure should be responsible for attracting any audience. You're right, this is a peer-to-peer site and it's a great one.
My point is that we DO have everything here, and much more, that any other music site has, including radio. So, why shouldn't people come here as opposed to other sites. As you said, the audience IS out there. I'm just saying that they should be here rather than on other inferior sites.
There is NO reason Mixposure can't be THE site to come to for musical entertainment and still retain our peer-to-peer format. I don't want to transform Mixposure into something else. I want it to stay as it is but draw in everyone else as well.
Hit the country forums off Mixposure Okie,there must be loads!!
Ah now we hit the real failings of OMD culture
The public by and large have little idea of their existance and even less inclination to sift through thousands of unknown artists to find something they might like.
As for the true numbers of Mixposure artists,it's probably a good deal less than stated as there seems to be a practice of not deleting people who leave,in my case,that worked in my favour
It's not a problem that OMD's can solve by themselves,and in most cases I don't think they are bothered as the community of musican reviewing musician seems to be enough for both omd and artists alike,least that is the opinion I have come to after many discussions and arguments.
It is down to the artist,each artist to FIND THE AUDIENCE.
A closed community of musicians reviewing musicians is not seeking the audience,it is seeking words from your peers,not your audience.
I try to do most of my promotion off site,in forums that are likely to have people that would be interested in my music.
So if I'm doing my Aggressor material,I'm in the Motorhead forums telling them about it and where to find it.
If I am in more mellow mood,it would be someplace like the Floyd forums.
It takes time and patience.
You cannot arrive in any forum and just spam your music!!
You HAVE to be into what they are into and enjoy that aspect of the community,and in time,introduce them to what you do.
I hesitate to post this as I normaly end up being screamed at by someone for my thoughts.
So with that in mind,if you are happy to just share your music with your peers,that is fine,nothing wrong with,but if you are seeking the "Audience" for your music,don't wait for the omd to attract them as I don't think it will happen.
Be resourceful,think it through.
I posted a few days ago about one of my songs to an outside forum,leaving alink here and a download link for elsewhere,as of now it has been downloaded 50 times.
That's the audience.
5-10 reviews,that's your peers.
Just my observations.
IMHO,omd's don't NEED to solve the problem.
Artists,if they wish to find a wider audience,do need to take it upon themselves.
You get nothing for nothing effort wise.
The audience is "Out there"
I don't really have any ideas in particular. And, I know search engines can find the site but if, for example, you search for "online independent radio", or something similar, Mixposure does not show up in the first few pages. I'm sure if you search for "online music community" or something similar, it'll probably show up. I'm just saying that, from an artists standpoint, if I want to find a site that will play my music, or where I can get my music out there, I'm going to search for online radio.
As far as me personally, I would really like to see many more real country artists on Mixposure. I tell people when I have a chance and post things, including my music, on Facebook etc, but there has to be better ways to attract people. I don't know exactly how to do that but there has to be different ways.
I know for a fact of many many independent country artists out there that post their music to what I consider inferior online radio sites (inferior to Mixposure, that is). Mixposure is by far the absolute best I've been able to find. There are lots of smaller sites but they don't have all the features, members, talent, and just plain coolness that Mixposure has. It just bothers me that all those talented people are languishing in internet obscurity when they could be here and gaining momentum. Obviously I am a HUGE fan of Mixposure and want to see it become a household name, like Google or something, and be the absolute flagship for all independent artists. Mixposure should be the place where EVERYBODY comes in search of talent, songs, entertainment, and just good music....damn it....
That should red "Mix"
Cool, and thanks!
I also hope it will inspire others to go out and help extend Mixposure's reach.
I was thinking as an image.
Uploaded to mixposure within the new "Magazine" format that Todd is working towards,along side things like site banners etc.
Sounds good
I have already been trying to lure back people for quite some time.
It's ongoing.
Ok. So far I have posted info and links and/or just links to three sites that I belong to.
No Depression http://www.nodepression.com/
SomaFM http://somafm.com/
BBNLive (Basement Broadcast Network) http://www.bbnlive.com/default.asp
I'm at work right now and have spent WAY too much time on the internet instead of working.
I'll do more later.
One thing I would suggest is...
Posting links on other omd's is likely to be largely ineffective at attracting the public.
If you play live,have a handful of flyers done with your Mixposure links in.
Release an album?
Be sure to include both mix logo and mix links on it.
Good man Rick
Mic could maybe draw up one standard design for the front,allowingf room for the artist to add their own URL and then anyone can print them off on their own pc?
Black and white,saves money
Why would they come here?
They have every artist at their fingtips via places like Amazon I tunes and whoever...
How can you goto a place you never even heard of?
It comes back to the artist mate.
How much advertising does the average omd spend in publicising their existance in things like music mags?
OMD's do not require outside members of the public.
They are a sealed,comfortable,friendly enviroment.
Nothing more needs to be added.
Who wants to shift through "5000" artists to try and find a song you might like?
On Soundclick,it is well over one million!
They do nothing to attract the public,as big as they are.
Don't need to
Any site is just some place to stick your music.
But getting public awareness of what a site offers would be a MASSIVE undertaking requiring huge finance,and yet without it,a handful here and there will be aware via friendships with musicans or word of mouth.
Again,it comes back to the artist.
They are the only one's in a position to try and draw the public in.
Just my thoughts.
Well, ok then.
You said :
"Why would they come here?"
They should come here because of the jaw-dropping talent that exists here and nowhere else. They should come here because of the quality of people that are here. They should come here because they will feel very welcome. They should come here because of all the functions and cool things they can do here. They should come here because of the superior layout and design. I could go on and on but I think my fingers are starting to bleed.
You said :
"How can you goto a place you never even heard of?"
I disagree that "people have to sift through thousands of artists to find something they like".
All they need to do is listen to Mix radio. Or, narrow it down by doing a search by genre. It's not difficult.
You also said :
"Again,it comes back to the artist.
They are the only one's in a position to try and draw the public in."
Therefore, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go to every independent music site I belong to and post links to Mixposure. If I can't post a link then I'll send them a link through their "Contacts". I'm also going to do the same on sites that promote independent online radio and/or music or sites that link to independent online radio and/or music.
If we indeed have around 5000 members, then if each one goes to....let's just say a meager five sites, and promotes Mixposure, that's 25000 sites that have now heard of Mixposure. And, each of those sites have all of the people that visit them regularly that will now be aware of Mixposure. And, it just grows exponentially.
I challenge ANYONE reading this to DO YOUR PART in promoting Mixposure!! Don't simply upload your music and then do nothing. That doesn't accomplish anything. And, my conscience won't let me just do nothing. I need to try to help make Mixposure better. We should not simply use Mixposure as a "storage facility". We are all using this site and all the work that has been put into it by others. The least we can do is help promote it!
Just think...
Alledged 5000 artists,each one attracts 1 member of the public...