Category: Mixposure
Why is the Facebook link a direct link to the Mix song page rather than an in-line play?
There is now a "post to Facebook" function per song. However, it's still not an inline play and is simply a link to the Mix page for that song. Also, it doesn't show the song image. It basically just gives a link.
When will this be resolved to get back to similar inline functionality before the upgrade?
There are many song plays being missed. I belong to MANY music sites and MANY Facebook music groups where I post my songs. While this lack of functionality here on Mix is causing a slow down of plays here, it's doing wonders for my ReverNation status.
I realize that Mix is geared more for other genres of music other than country. I don't understand it....but I realize it. So, since I seem to be the biggest advocate (I said "advocate" ) of country music on here, I have to ask. Why is it that the "Tag Cloud" box on the main screen has a bunch of genres in it but not country??
Since the dust is starting to settle, I thought it might be a good idea to repost this.
I've uploaded a new song called "Walkin' On Quicksand". Please check it out if you get a chance.
See here http://www.mixposure.com/full-blood-country/audio/14870/walkin-on-quicksand
Just FYI....
I don't know if these are related but given the issues with the radio last night they might be. But this morning I can't play any of my songs. I click "Play" but it just sits there and nothing happens.
Damn!! Ya'll weren't joking. It's changed but it's looking VERY cool so far. But.....what's a "Vimeo"??
I'm not complaining....just curious. But why can't I read the other new blogs....like from Todd? When I click on them it changes pages but there's nothing there. No text or anything.
Ok. I know I'm getting carried away with the blogs....but. WOW!!!! In exploring a few of the new layouts and functionality....VERY VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<p>Why is it that on weekends there are no DJ's on air? It seems to me that weekends would be prime time for DJ's. But it's always "auto" on the air. I don't get it.</p>