Thanks for Your Help
Thanks for all of the kind suggestions regarding the problem I had last week with my 8 track. The pin in the little hole worked to remove the existing CD but unfortunately I think I should have come in hear earlier as it looks like my own abortive efforts ruined the drive. I've dropped the recorder over to a friend in the hope that he can retrieve my demo of "That's It I've Had Enough". Sorry I missed the cut off date. Couldn't make the radio show either but I'm slowly catching up on the entries in the listening room.
While I'm waiting to get that track back, thought I'd post another track from the acoustic session I did last December. A lot of mixposure people will have heard the original version of "Mid Life Crisis" from my CD "N.I.C" which I had posted at mix. I've tried to convert it into an acoustic version. Without the bass, drums and keyboard, and without a guitar solo, it probably needs a middle 8, so I'll try working on that.
Apologies for any glitches in the performance. It was a "one take" and it's not a song that I normally do live in acoustic sets. Hopefully a bit of fun, particularly for those in my "age demographic".
Cheers and thanks again for all the earlier suggestions.
hey brian--hang in there look forward to any thing new you have coming up--hope you get all straightened out----mark
Glitches in a one shot take?..bare bones recording..instead of mid life,...that was real life..To me (IMO) there is no finer reward for pullin of a toon so bare bones while keeping the essence intact.I remember a while ago..I was honoured with your presence tuning in to a "live" radio broadcast of me playing bare-bones with the Martin acoustic Backpacker... the difficult part wasn't playing it out...it was making the toon's essence surface to the forefront.
So far...all the N.I.C. toons that i have heard acoustically have been remarkable(great representaions) MR B. ahh there nothing better that a one shot "there it is" take! bravo!
Thanks FP. Actually when I was recording the acoustics the guy who did the recording and I mentioned maybe getting some for of stompbox. I'll have a look at the site. Not sure whether hand and leg co-ordination is up to scratch but worth trying.
In Solo-gig land, there is a toy called a Poarchboard bass. It's a simple thing that adds more to a live sound than you'd expect. For some reason, I can picture you stomping one while you play "mid life" out somewhere live. Not sayin' ya need one, just I could picture it as part of this. http://www.porchboard.com/
Mind you, there are cheeper ways to trigger a little bass drum - but this thing has the oddest ability to blend in - and sound like more than it is.
man that mid-life HD crisis was some story to follow B.. wasn't much I could say.. no tech wizard here.. glad you gettin it straightened.. cheers..