Category: A PAris Tale
This new collab with Rapster has a bit of history to it. I've set it out in the info section if you're interested in reading it. It's based on a short "news article" I found in a Murdoch rag in the mid 70s. I part finished writing it, then abandoned it as it was appearing likely that it would take about 10 minutes to complete the story.
Pulled it out of the drawer last year and came up with the idea to add a rap section to speed the storytelling up a bit. Rapster (Joey) agreed to join in and to do the rap sections, adding some additional words of his own.
The track was mastered by Di Carlo who did another fantastic job on this. This is the third track that Di has mastered for me and his work has on each occasion been top-rate. Not only is his work of a high standard, but his prices are very, very competitive. Thanks again, Di. It won't be the last time I use you, bro.
Thanks, Joey for being involved in this and for waiting patiently (ok, maybe at times not all that patiently) for me to post it.
Hope you enjoy it.