
It's Plain To See

album: A Festival of Mirrors
genre: Wistful , Reflective
streams: 15
creation date: 2024-05-09

  Song Lyrics
It’s Plain To See   1. I heard a whisper in an empty room A cadent sound of distant tune Caress remembered X in a satin night A silky breath filled with...
  Song Information
Peoples take on loss and it's effects differ but the pain remains the same.
It's Plain To See
05/14/24 12:13:12PM @slippy-t:
It seems that many people, including myself, have been introspective lately. Perhaps it's due to the current times. This is a very cool track, and I like the vocals as well. I enjoyed it a lot, Rob. Peace, Eric.

Hi Eric sorry for not getting back to you sooner.... yes introspection seems to popping it's head above th parapet. I really appreciate your time for having a listen and the lovely comments... always appreciated . Rob

05/14/24 12:10:46PM @slippy-t:
this track has a dummer vibe very radiant and breezy i like this

Hi mizieya please accept my apologies for not replying soon. Many thanks for taking time to listen and comment on the song ... very much appreciated.

05/10/24 12:41:12PM @bad-love-junkie:
It seems that many people, including myself, have been introspective lately. Perhaps it's due to the current times. This is a very cool track, and I like the vocals as well. I enjoyed it a lot, Rob. Peace, Eric.
05/10/24 10:03:55AM @mizieya:
this track has a dummer vibe very radiant and breezy i like this


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