Song Lyrics
Breaking Down
Teach me something that has some meaning show me something that I need
I feel the walls creeping in and the shadows want to feed
Song Information
1st a very happy and successful New Year to you all.
This is kind of a strange musical way to kick it off, I would say it's a worried way of looking ahead...
This hit me in da face!!!
And keep me dancing with this cool beat!
great tune love it .....cheers tony cee
Apologiies for taking so long to get back Tony. Thankyou for the listen and comment, very much appreciated.
great tune love it .....cheers tony cee
Wow, this is a real edgy, energetic sound...I like it!
Happy New Year Farrell , many thanks for your time, the listen and the lovely comment. Always appreciated.
Wow, this is a real edgy, energetic sound...I like it!