Do an album they said! So I did, and here it is......http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=Star4mation
"Goblins and Galaxies" (that's what I called it) was great fun to do. I learnt loads of things on the way from all my friends here. It was hard work (I think the CD artwork took nearly as long as the recording did!!)
Big thanks go to Nigel Potter, Mike Cooley, and Dace Yates, for it was they who said I should do this Album, and without who's help and advice I would have never got this project off the ground!
So thanks guys and you never know, I might do another one some day!!
Update: New single "Ice Caves of Titan" available at Amazon Now.
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