Steve Gilmore and In No Sense
Steve Gilmore and In No Sense

So what to do now... :)

user image 2013-05-05
By: SG
Posted in: Future moves

<p>So, finally, all of The Disobedience Gene is now uploaded, which means I can get on to some new stuff... yay!! &nbsp;I'm going to try and get some of my live work online so watch this space :)</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05/06/13 11:34:42PM @dazed:
Farrell Jackson
05/07/13 03:58:58PM @farrell-jackson:
Great Steve! I'll be keeping an eye out....well both eyes will be on the look out for your live videos...can't wait!


05/08/13 03:56:59PM @steve-gilmore-and-in-no-sense:
Uploaded a video of an open mic I did a couple of weeks ago


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