
Farewell, Grandmother

genre: Soundtrack
streams: 73
creation date: 2009-01-17

  Song Information
I made this track only because I was inspired by Z's fantasy story. I was really inspired by these 6 pages I've read... and I made this, it took me 'bout an...
Farewell, Grandmother
Luca Wulf
01/19/09 03:42:13PM @huge-artist:
Art inspiring art,I LOVE that :)
Well as always George you deliver the goods with great taste and musicanship.
Crystal clear.
I am sure Z feels very very honoured to have inspired such a pipece.
It is grand,cinematic and surrounds you.
The rhythms when they enter sweep you along.


01/19/09 10:49:13AM @brian-mattson:
Yes, I have to agree with what has been said below. Your writing and production bring across such a strong emotional feel ... starting with the simple and captivating piano, and then those powerful strings and forboding timps! Excellent on all levels!
sly puppy
01/19/09 05:52:02AM @emocion:
As Dace says one can't miss the feeling off thie track from the very 1st phrase on the piano.Raindrops almost or tears rolling.....its a warm mood that really envelopes oh so well.The little orchestral splashes add superb colour to the piece.
The upchange into the pizzicato and timpani drums is handled nicely : but the fade gives the sense that there could be more for this piece that has as yet been undone.

Its beautiful George really really beautiful but I would expand upon it.I've read elsewhere that there could me more to come on the track and I would have to say if you get the time complete it.I would also say that the writing a piece as close to the heart as this takes courage.




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