

A new song

By Strezov, 2008-02-02

Hello, mates.
Very sorry I am not and active user of IMUSICSCENE lately, but I have a lot of studying for my exams (preparing for University) to do. Still, I hope you will hear my latest track, "The clouds and the river", and will type a little review for it.

Thanks very much, guys!

Best wishes,

Hello, mates :)

By Strezov, 2007-11-18

<p>Hey guys :) Now I&#39;m part of the Internet Music Scene as well :) Glad to be here, very much! And I&#39;m anxious to meet all of ya here :)</p><p>Best wishes,</p><p>George! &nbsp;</p>

Running, running, running

By Strezov, 2007-11-19

<p>Hello guys :) </p><p>Check my song page - I uploaded a new track, still a project, and would like to hear your thoughts about it ;) Thanks a lot! </p><p>Cya around. &nbsp;</p>

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