Super Distorter
Super Distorter
Super Distorter

High Maintenance Hippy

album: Last Ride
genre: no-genre
streams: 36
creation date: 2022-07-26

High Maintenance Hippy
09/14/22 02:13:13AM @lodato:
Awesome SOTW!
Super Distorter
08/02/22 09:02:25PM @super-distorter:

It's been 10 years since I was last here, having a hard time navigating. It's all so new and little time but, I'd love to catch a link to your show and chat to interact as well. Appreciate you playing this toon............

08/02/22 10:43:40AM @jimsae:
This is seriously dangerous sounding music, and I love it. We played this one on the radio show, and the crowd in chat loved it.


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