Tagged: 2014 awards

Mixposure 2014 Music Awards

By , 2015-01-11

Welcome to the  Mixposure.com  2014 Music Awards. There will be 4 categories this year. These are Best Country Song, Best Rock Song, Best Blues Song and Best Songwriter of 2014. 

The songwriting competition is open to all indie artists as well as working artists who want to be heard, recognized, and rewarded for their songwriting talent.  There will be one award issued for this category and all genres of music are accepted.

Please post any questions you have!

The Rules:

1. You must be a member of  Mixposure.com  to enter or vote

2. One song per genre per artist. Let's avoid crossovers everyone. If it is close to multiple genres, pick one genre only. 

3. Voting is by registered Mixposure Members. One vote per person per genre. We have it locked down by ip/user. (more on this coming soon!)

4. Anyone found cheating will have all songs entered removed. (this is for fun people, if you need to cheat, something is seriously wrong with you!) 

5. All songs must be from 2014. Please do not submit tunes from a few years back. We want to recognize songs from the prior year only.

6. No covers!!!

7. The winners will receive a Trophy and will be featured on  Mixposure.com as well as Social Media sites

8. All songs will be played by the  Mixposure.com  DJ's on their shows (genre conditional on some shows)

9. The contest starts January 17th and will end on March 28th, 2015

10. Voting information wil be posted soon

11. Mixposure reserves the right to modify the rules at any given time with or without notification.  

How To Enter:

Entering the contest is very easy. Just upload your song as you normally would. Please use a Genre as follows:







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