Terry Wigmore
Terry Wigmore

A Shooter's On The Loose

album: A Few Tunes From My Hobbit Hole 2018
genre: Rock
streams: 59
creation date: 2018-02-17

  Song Lyrics
Lyrics:A shooter's on the loose,He's got his gun,It's pointed at you.He pulled the fire alarm,To get you into the hall.Run back to your class,And lock your...
  Song Information
Troubled by the shooting deaths of 17 students and staff at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Florida 3 days ago, I felt the need to chase some...
 A Shooter's On The Loose
Eric Saitz
11/29/21 05:58:12PM @eric-lee-saitz:
Hi Terry
So nice of you to drop in here at mixposure! I remember this one from awhile ago. I hope that you and Keith are both doing well. The lyrics are very disturbing and considering the subject it seems fitting. Reading along with the song info I had to go back and listen again. To the 2-part question I don't have an answer. I really like that baseline :) and the end was a perfect unsettling end. Really enjoyed

Twank Whelan
11/29/21 02:53:08PM @twank-whelan:
Hi Terry! Didn't realize you were here on mixposure, good to see ya! Deep tune here, those lyrics are scary as hell. Music fits it well, Keith's additions work brilliantly, and what a way to end a song!
Andrew Yoda
02/18/18 12:35:15AM @dnacodex:
This is a very powerful song Terry and Keith, great production and lyrics about a very scary, serious subject, which you have handled so well! Cheers, Andrew


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