Follow The Well Dressed Killing Machine
ELLSBETH -NEW ALBUM, Well Dressed Killing Machine! Release date: April 1st, 2009
ELLSBETH -Recently voted number one goth band in the world by My Space Music
If You Must Do It, Dress For The Occasion
posted at 5/3/2009 9:40 PM EDT
by CrybKeeper
Metal / Gothic / Progressive
LOS ANGELES, California
Plays: 6,549,692
Views: 8,492,924
Fans: 73,081
Sean Lacefield / Guitar
Jay Liermann / Drums and Percussion
Shannon Quamme / Vox
Scott Ramsay / Guitar
Jim Dineen / Bass
Similar Artists-A.D.D./Saigon Kick
Exposure Level-very high.
Originality Level-high.
A cross, between Saigon Kick and gothic metal, with a dash of undescribable, makes Ellsbeth a unique force to be reckoned with.
After many chat sessions with Ellsbeth and their very dedicated, street team and fans, It's easy to say, without a doubt, everyone is passionately dedicated to the musical cause. The fans back their favorite band with unwavering loyalty and Ellsbeth brings a live performance that brings them back for more. Nearly a dozen radio stations began airing Ellsbeths songs Eden and Defy, weeks before the CD's official release date. FM station managers are so impressed, they were releasing un-mastered tracks, direct for airplay!
Some of the most notiable tracks include, My Release-a dark and driven metal tune of epic preportions, Breathe-a somber operatic build-up, to an anthemic vocal harmony and of course, Defy-without a doubt, this could be a huge hit. Defy-is a perfect combination of metal symphony, with a mantra like chorus, that holds your attention. The Defy intro has a Saigon Kick feel- for those who remember that bands unique brand of music.
Ellsbeth are currently planning a United States tour, over the next three months, to promote Well Dressed Killing Machine. The Album can be streamed through Ellbeths My Space player- for those who want to sample the music. http://www.myspace.com/ellsbethmusic