The Cryb - Lunarium/Ellsbeth/Woolgather
FREE Poster with purchase of Album, from Shaolin Temple of BooM!
FREE Poster with purchase of Album, from Shaolin Temple of BooM!
18 Mar 2010, 06:51 EST
16 songs for $10 includes a SIGNED poster personalized to you in PLATINUM INK! Just 10 bucks! (plus $3 for S&H of poster) GET YOUR LIMITED EDITION SToB poster now! With immediate download of 16 songs in any format you choose! http://stob.bandcamp.com/album/signed-shaolin-temple-of-boom-posters

Accepted Submissions Glyder , Halestorm , Boulevard of Broken Streams , Japan 80's Heavy , Brann Dailor , Central Point: where artists and listeners meet , Funclub Of Fuckin' Funny Metal! , Pixies Palace , Song Identification Society , Finnish Folk Metal , We join groups for no good reason , Buckethead , Altar of the Metal Gods , Progressive Rock for all types and ages , Music Advice Center , Progressive Rock , Bipolar Music Taste , Jazz , Twitter , Rock , Addicted to Last.fm
Pending Submissions Blues fans who don't like B.B. King , Thread Hi-jackers! , Windowz Media Playa iz da best , Black Bikini Alpha , The Executive Lounge and Inn , Feanor Fanclub , Abandonia , Born in 1965 , Abandonia.com , The Auto-Correct Correction Brigade , Savatage , Artists who are Last.fm users , Unsigned Artists , Scandinavian Girls , I don't give a heck if you don't like my music , 80s Heavy Metal , Last.fm on Xbox LIVE , OMR - Open Mind Ratio (improved OMI) , Connect Last.fm , The Beatles , Pink Floyd , People who listen to music while they're sleeping, especially at times when they…