<p>Yeah, everyone can see exactly who I am talking about. Your blog entry that pushes your latest release and allows the public to be aware that you make music shows your insecurity and your disregard of others at this site. Do you know who else has new releases? Did you ever wonder about that? All of the people who have recently uploaded tracks to the site! Makes sense? But your stuff is more important. That's right, your ego needs nourishment. Forget doing it the long boring way of actually paying attention to others' work, because everyone here at this site is here to get the chance to learn of your new release through your blog post, rather than get in line with the other musicians here who have also posted new releases. Here's a thought musical genius - try showing that you are awesome enough to take the first step of deserving someone on this site to listen to your music by showing the musicians who have also uploaded their new tracks, that you are interested in finding out about what they are up to. When I see a blog post about a musician telling a story, or having something other than music on their mind - very interesting. A chance to find out something a little deeper than the fact that you can play instruments and piece ideas together to make a nice little package of thoughts and ideas that we call songs. I am in no way diminishing what it takes to perform this awesome feat - if you think I am saying this to bash musicians you still don't get it. Almost everyone here makes music, we know that by the fact that they have music on their pages. Blog entries show others a different side to the musicians that you don't get to really know about within a song. Hey, look! A musician on this site has a new show - awesome! Hey this guy is having a rough time, that's a shame. WOW! What a great comeback story! What a great diverse community!</p><p> </p><p>BUT, NO. THose stories get pushed to the back because you and DJ Scratch-N-Sniff put out some new dope tunes that everyone has to hear or you are selling your new release at whogivesafuck.com. Who fucking cares? Your ego is the reason I don't participate here much any more. People like you who think we're all here to discover you rather than we should all take the time to discover what each other is up to and what we are about. First you don't take the time to consider everyone else does the same thing you do - make music and wonder what people think about it. Now you are pasting your fucking ads all over our thoughts and ideas that we share to get noticed. Next thing will be a non-stop barrage of everyone trying to push their stuff and using all of our email addresses to spam us like they do at a couple of the other sites that your kind has already ruined. </p><p> </p><p>WAKE UP! GET A FUCKING CLUE! USE YOUR IMAGINATION! If you want someone to listen tell them a story - then relate it to your music. NOTHING AT ALL wrong with that. But when I see your "NEW BLOG ENTRY" and it says you have a new release, I see you as the type of dumb ass that gives musicians a bad name and I don't even want to be associated with you.</p><p> </p><p>Nah, I'm kidding! I just finished a song that I worked long and hard on, it's called, "Find My Way Back Home." It is about the idea of myself becoming homeless and how I would still be myself yet my dreams would be to recapture what I have now. If I don't appreciate what I have now, then I deserve to lose it, because there are millions and millions of people who have it pretty bad. It took me a couple of years to learn how to play all 3 acoustic guitars to do their thing in the song, but then again, I am going on my 3rd year as trying to make music.</p><p> </p><p>I guess this isn't so much of a rant as it is a lesson on how to use your imagination to get a little attention. Oh I can see my phone is ringing now - some newly rehabilitated person probably just finished reading this and wants to thank me for setting them straight - oh there's the other line too! Someone's now knocking at my door! There's that attention that I was talking about. I gotta go! A THIRD LINE RINGING NOW? DAMN! CAN'T I GET A LITTLE PEACE???? LMAO!!<br /><br />By the way, do what you want - I could give a flying fuçk. This is an easy-going site, nobody will ban you for pushing your music. But, I'm pretty confident that I'm not the only one who sees your blog and thinks to themselves, "WHAT AN A$$HOLE THIS GUY IS!" or "WHAT BUNCH OF DOUCHEBAGS!" You make yourself look bad. Show a little imagination.</p><p> </p><p>• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •</p><p> </p><p>That was written yesterday. </p><p>I'm not an angry person. I do however feel a need to speak up for those who are more passive than I am, and I see this as an abuse of the community (how dramatic, huh? LMAO!) When so many people follow the rules and you have these handful of people who circumvent the unspoken rules of protocol, it is a form of cheating. People who don't like confrontation end up figuring, "What's the use?" and eventually get tired of the integrity of the site being compromised. I could care less whether it continues or not. I have already paid for my year here. I stopped coming here a while back when I was participating my ass off only to be ignored. (I could understand people having a lot to do and not having the time to return the gesture of commenting, but come on - if you read your message, click reply and say, "Thank You." or some acknowledgement that you received your message.) I stopped participating so much over here because the lack of regard. There are some things at this site that have me not totally abandon it altogether. One of those things is the sites blogs. Some of these blogs are really cool because you really get to know more about the writers (yeah, I complain to much - you got me! LMAO!) But one day, I was reading as many blogs as I could, and enjoying the hell out of them. It was kind of like an archaeology project - digging up the past. But with the many, many pages and all of the advertising blogs to sift through I eventually gave up. (My pages take about 10 seconds to load and it was becoming an annoying task to sift through all the bs.) When I came to the site yesterday to see who has posted anything of interest, I saw more of these advertisements. It hit me that I might have to forget about even bothering with this place. Then I thought of Jim. It's people like him that I would miss the most. I coupled that with the fact that he had mentioned that he liked a couple of my blogs, so I figured I'd blog this up for Jim! (THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT! BUT SOME REASON I AM LAUGHING!! I THINK I'LL KEEP IT IN! LMAO!) So I figured that the fact that the lack of regard runs deep here I will be the jerk to bring up the things that annoy me and keep me away.<br /><br />I am not putting down those who are managing the site - I see myself as trying to expose the areas that could use a change, because I'd really like to want to be a regular here. I see there has been a lot of work put into improving the site. And I understand nobody wants to be accused of denying someone free speech, but these blogs aren't free speech - they are free advertisements.</p><p>At another music site I visit, there are about 10 people over there whose music I just love, and jump all over as soon as I see they upload a new tune. What makes it great is that when I upload a new tune, they are right there giving me their opinions and comments. I always ask for constructive criticism and they are not shy about giving it. I don't believe that it is a coincidence that we all happened to join the right site at the right time and it can't happen naturally at any site, I think it may have to do with the musicians there calling people out on their BS. Maybe that does go on here - I admit I am not a regular and don't know shit about this site. But the few things that I do like about this site I am slowly losing patience in. No, not you Jim - you're cool! LMAO!<br /><br /></p>
Dazed hit the nail on the head. IMHO if you are a present and conributing artist, if you are supporting Mizposure well then have at it! If you are a promoter who is getting paid per click and you sign up for a free Mix account, spam the crap out of the bloga with artists you are promoting who have no clue what Mix is much less being here then leave to do it again in another two days? There is a special place in hell.
Dazed, I'm glad you get rid of those.
Indeed I know what you speak of Erik. My philosophy is, let the music speak for itself. Over bearing peddlars for some reason stereotypically end of being quite mediocre work and I am not sure why that pattern exists. Perhaps someone of true talent has also developed the skill of being humble and modest as well.
I wonder myself why others are in music, when it's about giving and receiving emotion and inspiration. A huge contrast when someone trys to push their music on you like a drug dealer. I can appreciate their enthusiasm, but not their etiquette.
In your face and gone tomorrow.
This opinion is not genre specific, rather than noticing a pattern of issues that I agree with Erik about.
Just as an fyi I have been deleting blogs for artists not on Mix and going to other sites. Mix is about promoting our artist not artists with no music on here. I have offered these management companies and artist the ability to buy advertising here but surprisingly that never happens lol.
Very well said Erik. I for one won't play a song that is listed in a blog. That's what the "New Songs" and song search are for IMHO.
I also agree with Dazed actions, there are times when I check "New Blogs" and see 7 or 8 from the same person promoting artists who have never been to Mixposure and probably will never be.
For the record, there is only one artist who's new music ususally doesn't get on the site except in collabs that I will go to soundclick to listen to. IMO don't spam Mixposure blogs with your music that can't even be found here. If you do you are CERTAIN not to have me listen. I come to Mixposure because of the great music and cool people, not to be immediately redirected to reverbnation by a promoter that creates an account for just that purpose.
I agree with the idea that if you want to sell your tunes do it by interacting with the other artists. Go review their songs, most times they will come back and listen to yours and if they like it take a second or three to do the same. The real upside to that approach is that you actually learn things and develop relationships in the process!
Doc I have no problem with members using the blog to post about darn near anything. The issue I have is when we have signups for sites that are promoting artists who are not on Mix. Use the forum for that stuff. Now if these sites will allow me to leave similar front page messages on their sites I would probably be ok with it lol.
I look at those kind of situations as spamming. We have signuos for Artists, Listeners, DJ's, Venues and Labels. The Label signups are set so that if you are a label, you can have a master account and then create individual artist accounts and upload music all from one account. They are not designed so that you spam the site to send our members over to xyz.com to buy music. For that, they really should be paying for advertising.
Can you image if we could post on the front page of Reverbnation, MySpace or Soundclick and send them here? Anyone want to calculate the odds of that happening?
Yeah, I thought I'd say something that I'd have to take back and I think Carol got it.
Carol, you are a huge part of this site. You are always commenting on others' songs and usually collaborate with so many individuals - to me, your promotions are not ads, they are just that - promotions. I see it like I see Boomerang, a kid's cartoon station that used to ONLY play cartoons and have no advertisements - so you wouldn't have to worry about your kids being programmed by McDonalds, or by sugary cereals, or violent toys, etc... But between shows, when they had time to kill until the next show begins, they would have a promotion of a new cartoon they were going to be playing, or reminders of cartoons that were coming up that you don't want to miss. Those were cool ass commercials to deal with. They really did remind you that Tom & Jerry was on at 11:00 PM or whatever. They were part of the environment. Carol Sue, you are part of this environment - you are not the thoughtless, money-seeking, sales pitch trying to corral the masses into consumption - you are very personable and talk to many people here on a one-on-one basis to where we all know you - you have a right, in my opinion. Just like Dexter's Laboratory has a right to promote that fine cartoon to the kids who may not be up on how great it is. That network wasn't feeding the kids junk food and cheap plastic figures, it was showing you other great things that the kids might be interested in that nobody could ever mistake as manipulating their children. I'm glad you brought it up because I knew I wasn't explaining this out as thorough as I needed to. There is a difference.
songdoc, yeah - my thoughts in my blogs are not usually combed over to see if I make any mistakes, because it messes with the flow I get into. I was pretty much directing my annoyance to the abusers, but by doing that I am always ready for the fact that I messed up somewhere and I should be called out on that to either explain a little further, to take back what was said, or to just plain disagree. The dialog is a huge part of blogs too. So, I don't mind being called out on my mistakes, cause I don't claim to be above anyone - that's why it gets to me when others behave as though they are.
"... stories get pushed to the back because you and DJ Scratch-N-Sniff..."
"DJ Scratch-N-Sniff"... LMAO!
Well said, Erik. I notice right now that 3 of the blogs showing on the Home Page are from the same account. The first and last blog showing, at least when I check at the time of the post, are the *exact same* blog, just added again. Pretty cheesy move on their part.
I would bet, if I was a betting person - which I am not, that those who regularly abuse the privilege of having blogs show on the Home Page, *never* read any of the other blogs, so I doubt they will ever see this. Which is sad in a way, because they may never see how everyone views their abuse, and realize that their actions have the exact opposite effect they seem to be wanting. They come into the living room, shit all over the furniture, then cannot understand why nobody ever invites them back.
On the other hand, I love it when someone like you posts and I understand where you're coming from with this, good sir. And I agree with you... for whatever that's worth. After all, my agreement won't even get you a cup of coffee.
Well said, Erik.
Erik, I appreciated your open mind here. I don't know that you "messed up" as much as you have a different point of view than I (or different needs). It does seem that many of my best friends on Mix strongly agreed with your point of view which had made me think!
what I don't think is sporting is when an artists and/or his buddies spam the heck out of their own songs, inflating the amount of playa rhwy have notched, playing their song over and over a couple of hundred times. Little do they know the same ISP can only ewgister 2 plays/day.
I usually make no announcement of my tunes. If you like 'em you'll find them I figger. I worjedhard to make it to chart at #40 nn the weekly or monthly chart. For me, 30 or 40 plays is a hit, 70-80 plays is a mega hit, numbers higher tan that are probably flukes ot I listened to them too mnany times myself.
I don't want to get in some kind of argument here but feel a need to say that I tend to disagree with these ideas. While the type of repeated posts you all refer to, especially by non active members, are irritating to most everybody, to me they are no more so than those saturating posts some people post on facebook. As with facebook I just don't read them. No biggy. All posts, no matter what the content, are ego driven in my opinion (whether we are striving to have music heard or ideas heard is simply a matter of content, not motivation). I do not see this as automatically bad.
When someone posts a new song on Mix it may be listed under "new songs" for a week or sometimes a day. When someone who's music I particularly like posts a reasonable blog announcing their new song and who's on it etc. I appreciate it. Otherwise it is easy to miss seeing their new work.
Similarly, I don't put out songs very often, often working on one song for many months. I have had the experience of uploading the new song and someone right after me uploads an entire catalog of their songs, immediately pushing mine off the new songs list. The blog notice is a secondary way to avoid this. I admit, I really, really like others to hear my new songs and am most disappointed when such a song gets quickly buried. (I do also regularly review other people's music)
I personally have no illusions at this point of "making it" in music and have no need for "critical" reviews so I can improve my craft. I just love making music, having my music heard by like minded musicians, having friendships with other musicians on mix and being supportive of each other. I won't review songs I don't like because I am not going to lie in a review but there is more than enough music posted that I do like that I can be positive and not dishonest. I understand that musicians who are working toward professional success need critical reviews. I, and I would think most on Mix, are not in that category.
Todd, if you want the blogs to just be used for ideas and discussions I would have no problem following your request. You might even announce that? In the meantime, I would hope my favorite artists would throw up a little announcement of new songs and I will probably do the same (unless everybody sees the blog and refuses to listen because of it lol)
I should add, just so I feel better about being clear, I have no problems at all with people posting about anything they want to post. I too, welcome people posting about a new tune, or anything at all. It is the *abuse* - at least, I perceive it as abuse - of one account posting multiple posts and hogging the entire Home Page blog area, and especially posting the exact same blog over and over, which is my peeve.
If someone has something to say, then let's hear it. I'm all for that. But once we say our piece, let's please not post it over and over and smother someone else who also has something to say.
I have posted about a new tune, too. And I have welcomed, every time I have noticed, anyone else posting about a new tune. Like David, I sometimes would have missed the tune, had it not been for seeing the blog. And it doesn't matter if I know them or not, it's all good. But if one account is constantly filling up all the space - especially with the *same blog* over and over - then there is no space left for the blogs of others who also have something to say... and I will not see that blog about someone's new tune.
And I absolutely appreciate that Dazed has removed some of them, I have noticed that. I know he already has more on his plate than he can say grace over.
I normally don't get into complaining, but this really is a pet peeve, for me. And I'm not having a great day, anyway. Perhaps I should have just kept the powder dry. On the other hand, it probably won't bother me any more, cause now I've got it out there.
I thought I'd rant just a little bit more on this, so it is updated.