The Righteous Blues Band
The Righteous Blues Band

New Band Name and update on latest song

user image 2010-10-24
By: T-Bone-BBQ
Posted in:

<p>I have&nbsp;changed my Artist name from "T-Bone-BBQ" to "Righteous Blues Band". I'm still a one-man band, but I hope that will change in the future.</p><p>I should have the vocals on my latest song "Time's Up" this evening and will hopefully get the final mixed down version of it up later on the artist page tonight or sometime tomorrow. Then it's on to starting the next song...not sure which one I'll start working on yet.</p>

10/27/10 11:18:00AM @the-righteous-blues-band: if I could just get the rest of the "band" instead of it just being me. LOL!


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