Thevi Olin
Thevi Olin

Category: Introduction

Welcome toThevi's IMusicScene

By Thevi Olin, 2007-11-01

<p><strong><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva" size="2">Welcome to&nbsp;my IMusicScene. Let me introduce myself. I go by the name of Thevi Olin, 35 years of age, living in the Netherlands and a guitar addict. If I do no play I work eat or sleep. </font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva" size="2">Over the years guitar playing has been my prime motivation. Exploring the different aspects of the instrument and its sonic pallete is something I spend alot of time on. The persuit of freedom on the instrument without ripping off well knows guitarist has been part of the motivation from day one. As a selftaught guitarist I have to rely on my instincts and on the response I get from you as a listener.</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva" size="2">&nbsp;Please enjoy my music and will return the favour!!</font></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p>

<p>If you are interested in my approach, pedals, gear, etc. just PM me. </p><p>&nbsp;</p>