
New single!

user image 2010-03-07
By: Trakooma
Posted in:

<p>Hi there first off i want to thank everyone for their reviews and comments, it has really lifted our spirit in this dark time sence our drummer is in the mandatory military service...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Anyway i just wanted to let everyone know that Trakooma has compleated the recording for our new single titled "Kosto" aka "Revenge" and it will be put online probably later this week sence there are still a few tweaks to be done in the mixing and mastering but as soon as the band is happy with the result you will all be able to hear it, and in our oppinion this new single is probably the best song we have recorded thus far...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Best wishes to all the listeners.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Trakooma</p>


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