

Kosto single + lyrics

By Trakooma, 2010-03-09

<p>Hi there, Trakooma's new single "Kosto" has been released for your enjoyment and below are the lyrics to the song both in finnish and in english.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Enjoy!</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; KOSTO<br /> <br />Halveksun sinua, sinun tekoasi<br />Et ole ansainnut, t&auml;t&auml; tehd&auml; minulle&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /><br />Nyt aika tullut on !<br /><br />En voi antaa sinun, ket&auml;&auml;n satuttaa<br />En voi antaa sinun, ilmaa hengitt&auml;&auml;<br /><br />Viilt&auml;v&auml; huuto l&auml;p&auml;isee, y&ouml;n hauraan harmonian<br />T&auml;m&auml;n ansaitset, et kuulu joukkoon ihmisten<br /><br />Tuskasi keskelt&auml; huudat minulle, miksi n&auml;in teet <br />En suostuu kuuntelemaan sinua, et ansaitse el&auml;m&auml;&auml;<br /><br />Huutosi tyhjille seinille katoaa, koska kiven raskaan&nbsp; <br />jaloillesi pudotan, kuulen raajan katkeavan <br /><br />Surusi vahvistaa minua<br />Sairas mielesi kohtaa&nbsp; kuoleman<br />Anelet minua lopettamaan<br />En jaksa en&auml;&auml; &auml;&auml;nt&auml;si kuulla<br /><br />Hetken mietin teenk&ouml; oikein<br />Samalla kun pihdeill&auml; <br />kynsi&auml;si irti revin<br />Suolaa haavoille kaadan<br /><br />Syytt&ouml;m&auml;n tapoit!!!<br />Et s&auml; voittaa voi huudat minulle, et tuo rakkaintasi takaisin<br /><br />hetkeksi pys&auml;hdyn<br />yhden ainoan kyyneleen vuodatan<br />kun suru raivoksi taas muuttuu<br />Kielesi poistan suustasi ! <br /><br />Niin kaunista ! <br /><br />En kai voittaa voi enk&auml; haluakkaan haluan vain ett&auml; et voi<br />en&auml;&auml; ket&auml;&auml;n satuttaa ket&auml;&auml;n muuta t&auml;h&auml;n pakottaa<br />pahuutesi ohi on kauhut viattomien loppuneet....</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; REVENGE<br /><br />I despice you, for what you have done<br />you have not deserved to do this to me<br /><br />now the time is here!<br /><br />I can't let you hurt anyone<br />I can't let you breathe the air<br /><br />Piercing scream punctures the silent veil of the night<br />You deserve this, you don't belong amongs the living<br /><br />In your pain you scream why are you doing this?<br />I won't listen to you, you dont deserve to live<br /><br />Your sorrow makes me strong<br />Your sick mind ends on death<br />You beg me to stop<br />Im tired of listening to your voice<br /><br />for a moment i doubt my actions<br />while with the pliers<br />i tear your nails<br />pour sault to your wounds<br /><br />You killed an innocent!!!<br /><br />You can't win, you scream you wont bring your beloved back<br /><br />For a moment i stop<br />i shed one single tear<br />When sorrow turns to rage<br />Ill remove your tongue<br /><br />So beautiful<br /><br />Maby i can't win and i dont want to, i just want that<br />you can't hurt anybody anymore, force others to do as i<br />Your evil is at an end, the terrors of the innocent stopped<br /><br /></p>

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New single!

By Trakooma, 2010-03-07

<p>Hi there first off i want to thank everyone for their reviews and comments, it has really lifted our spirit in this dark time sence our drummer is in the mandatory military service...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Anyway i just wanted to let everyone know that Trakooma has compleated the recording for our new single titled "Kosto" aka "Revenge" and it will be put online probably later this week sence there are still a few tweaks to be done in the mixing and mastering but as soon as the band is happy with the result you will all be able to hear it, and in our oppinion this new single is probably the best song we have recorded thus far...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Best wishes to all the listeners.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Trakooma</p>

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<p>Hi first off i want to thank everyone that has commented on our songs, it means shitloads to us that you people took the time to voice your oppinion.</p><p>Finnish people have a nasty habit of being lazy when it comes to voting and reviewing so a big thanks to all of you, and to Dace the song "pahuuden panoraama" is short and we are aware of that it was one of our earlier songs and it felt good at the time it was made :)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Secondly Trakooma has an opportunity to be a part of the big boys and play in Nummirock heavy metal festival in finnland this summer but we need help from voters and so if you got spare time and a facebook accoun go to the link below to cast your vote, the texts are in finnish but its really simpple all you do is click on the link then click the ammount of golden stars you want the band to have "5 offcourse ^^ " then the site will ask you to put in your facebook details, once that is done your vote has been cast and you made our life soo much happier :D</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></p>

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